What is the 2nd law of thermodynamics apes?

What is the 2nd law of thermodynamics apes?

The second law of thermodynamics states that every time energy changes form it increases entropy. Entropy is the amount of disorder in a system. Thermal energy has the most disorder, the most entropy.

What is the 2nd law of thermodynamics environmental science?

Explanation: The second law of thermodynamics states that when energy is converted from one form to another, some energy is lost and efficiency decreases. The energy from gasoline igniting is lost to friction from the engine and converting energy in the form of a combustion to the form of wheels rotating forward.

How does the second law of thermodynamics relate to the 10% rule?

Explanation: Energy is always lost as energy is moved from one level to another. The loss of energy due to the second law of thermodynamics results in a pyramid with a large base and a 10% ratio between levels.

Which of the following is a description of an example of the second law of thermodynamics quizlet?

Which of the following is an example of the second law of thermodynamics? The aerobic respiration of glucose generates heat. Photosynthesis enables plants to create energy from sunlight.

What is biodiversity apes?

Biodiversity is the sum total of the genetically based variety of all organisms in the biosphere. species diversity. The number and variety of species in the world or in a particular region.

How does the second law of thermodynamics apply to the food chain?

The second law of thermodynamics states that, during the transfer of energy, some energy is always lost as heat; thus, less energy is available at each higher trophic level. Pyramids of organisms may be inverted or diamond-shaped because a large organism, such as a tree, can sustain many smaller organisms.

How do you correlate the 2nd law of thermodynamics when you explain the transfer of energy dynamics into an ecosystem?

The second law relates to the quality of energy. This law states that whenever energy is transformed, some of must be degraded into a less useful form. In ecosystems, the biggest losses occur as respiration. The second law explains why energy transfers are never 100% efficient.

Which of the following best describes the second law of thermodynamics?

Complete answer: The second law of thermodynamics states that the full entropy of the associated isolated system will ne’er decrease over time, and is constant if and given that all processes are reversible. Isolated systems spontaneously evolve towards physics equilibrium, the state with most entropy.

What is the best example of the second law of thermodynamics quizlet?

What is the best example of the Second law of Thermodynamics: Water flowing over a dam used to generate electricity.

What does the second law of thermodynamics say?

Correct answer: When energy is converted to another form, the energy quality will decrease and energy cannot be recycled to a higher efficiency. Explanation: The second law of thermodynamics states that when energy is converted from one form to another, some energy is lost and efficiency decreases.

How is entropy related to the first law of thermodynamics?

Entropy predicts the direction of spontaneous processes, and determines whether they are irreversible or impossible, despite obeying the requirement of conservation of energy, which is established in the first law of thermodynamics.

What makes a process irreversible in the thermodynamics?

In all processes that occur, including spontaneous processes, the total entropy of the system and its surroundings increases and the process is irreversible in the thermodynamic sense. The increase in entropy accounts for the irreversibility of natural processes, and the asymmetry between future and past.

Why is the zeroth law of thermodynamics important?

The zeroth law of thermodynamics in its usual short statement allows recognition that two bodies in a relation of thermal equilibrium have the same temperature, especially that a test body has the same temperature as a reference thermometric body.

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