Why do you enjoy learning English?

Why do you enjoy learning English?

I learn English because it allows me to expand the boundaries of the world. This is an opportunity to learn more and more interesting people from around the world and is an opportunity to do more useful things in my life. English is the language of the world and I want to speak it perfectly!

What do you enjoy about English?

7 Reasons To Love English Class

  • There is no right or wrong answer when writing a paper.
  • You end up learning a lot about yourself and the world around you.
  • It gets you thinking critically.
  • You have class discussions about real, important, and intriguing topics.
  • Grammar, vocabulary, and writing skills are vital for everyone.

Why is English an interesting subject?

1. English is the Language of International Communication. Although English is not the most spoken language in the world, it is the official language in 53 countries and is spoken as a first language by around 400 million people worldwide. But that’s not all, it is also the most common second language in the world.

Why English is the best language?

English is flexible and easy to learn It is a huge entity of vocabulary and is constantly absorbing new words, whilst at the same time seeping into foreign languages. English contains over 750,000 words. With a simple structure but ever-growing vocabulary, English has been described as easy to learn but hard to master.

Why do you like English literature?

Literature helps explore and analyse some of life’s greatest questions and assists young people in gaining the skills required for a deeper thought process to life. Literature is also a subject enjoyed by lots of students and deserves more credit for the amount of valuable knowledge it supplies.

What is good about English class?

English courses can be helpful for improving your fluency in speaking, polishing your writing skills and targeting specific skills you need for a particular social or professional environment. Such courses can also be enjoyable and enriching.

How can I enjoy learning English?

How to learn English easily – 9 effective ways

  1. Look for patterns.
  2. Do things you enjoy, in English.
  3. Engage with English language media.
  4. Don’t just focus on memorising grammar rules.
  5. Keep track of interesting words & phrases.
  6. Schedule time into your day for structured study.
  7. Think about how you’ll use English.

Why do you want speak English?

Speaking English allows you to actually broaden your world, from job opportunities to the ability to relate to people from every country. Knowing the language makes it much more interesting every trip. Education is very important to improve yourself but learning English also improves the quality of life.

What is special about English?

English is the most spoken language in the world and the third-most spoken native language in the world, after Standard Chinese and Spanish. It is the most widely learned second language and is either the official language or one of the official languages in almost 60 sovereign states.

What is unique about English?

English has more phonemes than many languages, with around 44, depending on which variety of English you speak. It has an unusually large set of vowel sounds—there are around 11. English has some comparatively unusual consonant sounds as well.

Why should I study English?

It helps you to see things from a different perspective, or get a deeper understanding of another culture. It helps you to become a better listener. It even has health benefits, as studies have shown that people who speak two or more languages have more active minds later in life!

Why do you love literature?

Reading great literature exercises the imagination. We enjoy stories; it is a pleasure to meet characters and to live in their world, to experience their joys and sorrows. In a practical sense, an active imagination helps us perceive truth, make value judgments, and deal with the complexities of life in creative ways.

Why is English so hard to learn?

Another reason why English is hard to learn is that you can’t always listen to native English speakers to learn it. In most cases, simply listening to a native speaker of the language can be a big help however, in English, this can actually make it more difficult.

Why is it important to learn English?

Learning English is important because it is the most common language in the world. Almost 60% people in the world use English regularly. Learning English is very important because it improves one’s chance of getting a good job, helps one communicate in foreign countries, and broadens one’s social networking.

Why learning English is important?

Learning English is very important because it improves one’s chance of getting a good job, helps one communicate in foreign countries, and broadens one’s social networking. First, learning English improves the chance of getting a good job.

What are the benefits of speaking English?

For many people, the benefits of learning English include broadening their employment opportunities, since it is used so commonly in business. People who speak two or more languages are often ideal candidates for jobs in travel, international business, or translation.

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