Is Spino or Trex better?

Is Spino or Trex better?

Spinosaurus was probably a bit longer than T. rex, though it was more lightly built. But Spinosaurus lived 10-30 million years before T. rex tromped the Earth….Spinosaurus vs. T. rex.

Spinosaurus T. rex
Walked on two legs? Yes Yes
Long tail? Yes Yes
Huge, powerful jaws? Yes Yes
Carnivore? Yes Yes

What dinosaur can kill a Spinosaurus?

“Whichever one got in the first big bite would have probably won a fight.” In the film it is the Tyrannosaurus that got the first big bite and should have won the fight. Moreover, with a bite force of 3.5-6.5 metric tons the T. rex should have bitten the Spinosaurus head off.

Is there anything bigger than Spinosaurus?

Giganotosaurus. Until Spinosaurus was discovered, Giganotosaurus was the biggest meat-eating dinosaur around! At 12.5 metres long and possibly weighing 13 tonnes, this is still one big dino! And it was fast.

What is the scariest dinosaur that ever lived?

Tyrannosaurus rex The “king of the tyrant lizards” will always be one of the scariest and deadliest dinosaurs around with a bite force three times that of a great white shark – making it the strongest bite force of any land animal that has ever lived.

Can Spino beat Rex?

The Spinosaurus would not have been able to kill a T-Rex, although it would be a tough fight. The Spinosaurus was larger, but the T-Rex was stronger and had an immense bite force that was much greater than a Spinosaurus’s bite. The T-Rex was also faster and more intelligent than the Spinosaurus.

Is an Allosaurus bigger than a T Rex?

T. Rex adults were a significantly larger compared with allosaurus adults. An allosaurus adult was between 8.5 and 12m in length (28-39 ft), while the average T. Rex adult was about 12-15m long (40-50 ft).

Can a T. rex kill a Megalodon?

T. Past megalodon research suggests these giant marine predators, which first appeared around 16 million years ago, could chomp with more than three times the force of T. rex, based on the new figures. The bite force of a megalodon—”just because it was so much larger-bodied—would have been bigger,” Bates said.

Can a Spino kill a Rex?

Is Allosaurus bigger than T-Rex?

What’s bigger than a brachiosaurus?

Several of these (Argentinasaurus and Amphicoelias) might have been one and a half to two times larger than Brachiosaurus. The smallest dinosaurs were just slightly larger than a chicken; Compsognathus (“pretty jaw”) was 1 m (3 ft) long and probably weighed about 2.5 kg (about 6.5 lb).

Who was the fastest dinosaur?

ostrich mimic ornithomimids
A: The fastest dinosaurs were probably the ostrich mimic ornithomimids, toothless meat-eaters with long limbs like ostriches. They ran at least 25 miles per hour from our estimates based on footprints in mud.

Is Spinosaurus bigger than T Rex?

As long as a school bus and as heavy as an elephant, the Spinosaurus was the largest predatory (animal-eating) dinosaur to have existed — even bigger than Tyrannosaurus rex. The dinosaur had a narrow skull full of conical teeth like a crocodile’s and hips like a whale’s.

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