What are 2 countries that colonized Africa?

What are 2 countries that colonized Africa?

The principal powers involved in the modern colonisation of Africa are Britain, France, Germany, Portugal, Spain and Italy. In nearly all African countries today, the language used in government and media is the one imposed by a recent colonial power, though most people speak their native African languages.

What countries were not Colonised?

Very few countries have never been either a colonizing power or become colonized. They include Saudi Arabia, Iran, Thailand, China, Afghanistan, Nepal, Bhutan, and Ethiopia. Despite never becoming fully colonized, many of these countries had to fight back attempts at colonization.

Why did Ethiopia remain independent?

Ethiopia’s victory against the Italians was credited to the strong leadership of its king, Menelik II. Ethiopia was able to maintain its independence throughout the early 20th century because of the strength of Menelik’s successor, Hale Selassie.

Why didn’t Europe colonize Africa?

So when Europeans began exploring the shores of Africa, they mostly encountered a tropical environment that proved rather risky to them, and combined with the lack of a positive reason to actively colonize these shores, Europeans did not permanently settle in Africa for a long time.

How did Ethiopia not get colonized?

Ethiopia and Liberia are widely believed to be the only two African countries to have never been colonized. Their location, economic viability, and unity helped Ethiopia and Liberia avoid colonization. During its brief military occupation during World War II, Italy never established colonial control over Ethiopia.

Was Nigeria colonized?

Nigeria became a British protectorate in 1901. The period of British rule lasted until 1960, when an independence movement led to the country being granted independence.

Was Italy colonized?

The Italian colonial empire was created after Italy joined other European powers in establishing colonies overseas during the “scramble for Africa.” Italy as a unified state had only existed since 1861, by which time Portugal, Spain, the Netherlands, Britain, and France had already carved out large empires over several …

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