What are 3 interesting facts about Australia?

What are 3 interesting facts about Australia?

10 interesting facts about Australia that may surprise you

  • The Australian Alps get more snow than the Swiss Alps.
  • 90% of Australians live on the coast.
  • Tasmania has the cleanest air in the world.
  • The Great Barrier Reef is the largest eco-system in the world.
  • Australia has over 60 separate wine regions.

What are interesting facts about Australia?

Australia is the only continent in the world without an active volcano. Australia has three times more sheep than people. The largest Greek population in the world beside Athens in Greece can be found in Melbourne Victoria. An Australian man once tried to sell New Zealand on eBay.

What are some historical facts about Australia?

The Aboriginal people of Australia have the oldest continuous culture on Earth, believed to have arrived to the island by boat around 50,000 years ago. The Dutch navigator, Willem Janszoon, was the first European to set foot on Australia on 26 February 1606, near the town of Weipa on Cape York.

Who first discovered Australia?

explorer Willem Janszoon
While Indigenous Australians have inhabited the continent for tens of thousands of years, and traded with nearby islanders, the first documented landing on Australia by a European was in 1606. The Dutch explorer Willem Janszoon landed on the western side of Cape York Peninsula and charted about 300 km of coastline.

What are some Australian history?

13 Historical Moments That Shaped Australia

  • Archaeological Discovery.
  • Willem Janszoon.
  • Arrival of the First Fleet.
  • Gold Rush.
  • Eureka Stockade.
  • Federation of Australia.
  • Australian Woman Suffrage.
  • Gallipoli Landing.

What is the most interesting fact about Australia?

What is Australia’s real name?

the Commonwealth of Australia
The sovereign country Australia, formed in 1901 by the Federation of the six British colonies, is officially known as the Commonwealth of Australia, abbreviated within the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act and the Constitution of Australia to “the Commonwealth”.

Is Australia a flag?

Flag of Australia

Proportion 1:2
Adopted 11 February 1903 (In use from 3 September 1901) 8 December 1908 (current seven-pointed Commonwealth Star version)
Design A Blue Ensign defaced with the Commonwealth Star in the lower hoist quarter and the five stars of the Southern Cross in the fly half.

What are the 7 states of Australia?

Australia has a number of political divisions that include New South Wales, Queensland, Northern Territory, Western Australia, South Australia, Victoria, the Australian Capital Territory, and Tasmania.

What are some amazing facts about Australia?

It is the 6th largest country in the world,occupying an entire continent of some 7.6 million square kilometres.

  • It has the world’s 3rd largest ocean territory,spanning three oceans and covering around 12 million square kilometres.
  • Vegetation covers nearly 7 million square kilometres or 91 percent of Australia.
  • What are fun things to do in Australia?

    Let’s take a look at fifteen fun things to do in Australia. Drive the Great Ocean Road from Melbourne. You can check out the surf at Bells Beach and Torquay , and wonder at the Twelve Apostles spectacular rock formations. Enjoy some fresh air in the Otway National Park with its verdant forests and splashing waterfalls.

    What are some Australian activities?

    Spending time at the beach is a common pastime in Australia. As so many Australians live near the coastline, water-based activities (surfing, kite surfing, swimming) are prevalent. You can also enjoy diving, snorkelling, sailing, kayaking, and stand-up paddle boarding.

    What are some important events in Australia?

    One of the most important events in Australia is Australia Day. It’s on January 26th and it marks the anniversary of the arrival of the British Ships at Port Jackson and the raising of the Great Britain Flag at by Governor Arthur Phillip .

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