What are the bylaws of a cooperative society?

What are the bylaws of a cooperative society?

Bye-laws include the objects of the society and completely define and restrict the society’s activities, but the rights and liabilities of members are determined by the Act and not by the bye-laws as such. The bye-laws are the basic structure of the society and are binding on the members.

What is Model Cooperative Act?

An Act to consolidate and amend the law relating to co-operative societies, with objects not confined to one State and serving the interests of members in more than one State, to facilitate the voluntary formation and democratic functioning of co-operatives as people’s institutions based on self-help and mutual aid and …

What are the legal status of cooperative society?

LEGAL STATUS: A co-operative Society is a body corporate registered under the applicable state Act with perpetual succession having a common seal. It can acquire, hold and dispose of properties, enter into contracts and it can sue and it can be sued.

What is meant by MSCS Act?

An Act to consolidate and amend the law relating to cooperative societies, with objects not confined to one State and serving the interests of members in more than one State, to facilitate the voluntary formation and democratic functioning of cooperatives as people’s institutions based on self-help and mutual aid and …

What is model building bye-laws?

Building Bye-Laws are legal tools used to regulate coverage, height, building bulk, and architectural design and construction aspects of buildings so as to achieve orderly development of an area.

What is model bye Law?

1. Model Bye-laws of National level Cooperative Society/Federal Cooperative/Multi-State Cooperative Society. NOTE:-“The Model Bye-laws are simply a representative sample and a guide to frame bye-laws of a multi state cooperative society. The society is required to refer to the MSCS Act.

Is a cooperative society a legal entity?

Benefits of Registering a Co-operative Society Upon registration a Cooperative Society becomes a legal entity with the right to sue or be sued in its corporate name and assumes capacity to enter into contracts or agreements. Cooperatives can own movable and immovable property, of any description, in its corporate name.

How do you make bye law?

Amendment to Bye-laws: The amendment to bye-laws shall only be passed by a resolution of the meeting of the general body in which a quorum is present by a vote of not less than two thirds of the members present there and not less than 15 clear days’ notice for considering of such amendment has been previously given.

How do you write a bye law?

Write a first draft of your bylaws

  1. Article I. Name and purpose of the organization.
  2. Article II. Membership.
  3. Article III. Officers and decision-making.
  4. Article IV. General, special, and annual meetings.
  5. Article V. Board of Directors.

Are there any bye laws for cooperative societies in Maharashtra?

Yours faithfully, Disclaimer: We have converted the Cooperative Housing Society bye-laws, Maharashtra Cooperative Societies Act and Maharashtra Cooperative Societies Rules in web format so that the readers can quickly search the relevant section / bye-law / rule no. We are trying to update it as much as possible.

What is the Bye Law no.19 ( B )?

[Under the bye-law no. 19 (B)] The form of application to be made by a Firm, or a Company or any other Body Corporate for getting Associate Membership with such a person already been admitted as a member of the Society.

Which is a form of Intimation under the bye law?

(Under the Bye-law No.40) A form of intimation by the society to the transferee about exercise of rights of membership by him. [Under the Bye-law No.62] Form of application for Permission to hold more than one flat.

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