What area code is +54?

What area code is +54?

Telephone numbers in Argentina

Country calling code +54
International call prefix 00
Trunk prefix 0

What are the area codes in the Philippines?

Philippines/Dialing codes

What is PLDT area code?

This change applies to telephone numbers with the area code “02”. This covers PLDT customers in Metro Manila and also those in Rizal Province, San Pedro, Laguna, and Bacoor, Cavite. Those outside the Philippines will have to do the following: Dial 00 + Country Code (63) + Area Code (2) + 8 digits landline number.

How do I know if a number is PLDT?

The NTC assigned each Public Telecommunications Entity (PTE) operating within the local exchange area “02” their own identifier. For PLDT, it’s “8.” For Globe, it’s “7.” For Bayan, it’s “3.”

What country is area code 52?

52 is Mexico’s international dialing code. Area Code – There are 385 area codes in Mexico so if there’s a code you need to dial it after you dial the international dialing code (52).

What country code is 53?

Telephone numbers in Cuba all have the same format, consisting of the country code (53), followed by an area code….Telephone numbers in Cuba.

Continent the Americas
Access codes
Country calling code +53
International call prefix 011

What is my area code Philippines?

You should include the area code 32 before the phone number. So if you want to call the telephone number 234-2053, you dial 32-234-2053 instead. The key is to know the area code of the telephone number you want to call….Philippine Area Codes List.

City/Province Area Code
Ilocos Sur 77
Iloilo 34
Isabela 78
Kalinga 74

What is my landline number?

If you don’t know your home phone number, simply dial your mobile (or a friend or family member’s) from the landline. You should also dial 1470 before the mobile number if you have number withhold… If you don’t know your home phone number, simply dial your mobile (or a friend or family member’s) from the landline.

How do I call PLDT landline to cell phone?

Dial 101-74 from a PLDT landline, PLDT Landline Plus, PLDT payphone, or SMART cellphone….CALL RATES.

NDD CALLS PhP 3.00 per minute
EMBASSY CALLS PhP 36.08* per minute
*Plus P3.00 per min. for calls outside Metro Manila; Plus P6.50 per min. for calls using SMART or Talk ‘N Text cell phones.

What country is 53 code?

What is the area code for the Philippines?

– The international exit code is 00 – The country code of the Philippines is 63 – The Subscriber’s Numbers (without an Area Code) are 7 digits – When calling from abroad to the Philippines – dial “00” + 63 + Area Code + Subscriber Number – When calling a landline within the same Area Code – simply dial the Subscriber Number.

What is the area code for Cebu Philippines?

For example, if you are in Manila and you want to call someone in Cebu, you don’t simply dial the 7-digit telephone number of the person you’re calling. You should include the area code 32 before the phone number.

How many digits are in pH area code?

PH Cell Network Code Starts with 63 and +63 defines as positive sign or number for consecutive network digits which is 10. Subscribers Entry number without area code contains only 7 digits. When dialing or calling outside area code is presumed to used “0” + Area code (s) + Subscriber Name/Entry.

How to call 234 2053 in the Philippines?

So if you want to call the telephone number 234-2053, you dial 32-234-2053 instead. The key is to know the area code of the telephone number you want to call. If the number you’re calling is in the same area code as yours, then you don’t need to include the area code.

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