What is proper phone etiquette at workplace?

What is proper phone etiquette at workplace?

Always answer a phone by saying “good morning” or “hello”. Always introduce yourself politely by stating your name or the company you are representing. Use the right words and as much as possible avoid using unnecessary and informal terms or words.

What are some telephone etiquette?

The Dos and Don’ts of Telephone Etiquette

  • DO – Smile when you talk to people.
  • DON’T – Be distracted.
  • DO – When you answer the phone, greet the caller warmly and advise who they are talking to.
  • DON’T – Shout or whisper.
  • DO – Speak clearly.
  • DON’T – Leave the caller on hold for too long.
  • DO – Make the caller feel welcome.

Is telephone etiquette a skill?

Phone etiquette is the way you use manners to represent yourself and your business to customers via telephone communication. This includes the way you greet a customer, your body language, tone of voice, word choice, listening skills and how you close a call.

How do you politely answer a phone at work?

Answer the phone politely by speaking clearly, focusing on the call, and maintaining professionalism if you’re in a workplace environment….

  1. Greet the caller in a friendly tone.
  2. Ask why the person is calling.
  3. Speak clearly using your normal tone of voice.

What should be avoided while being on a call?

Top 10 Things to Avoid Doing When You Answer the Phone

  • Skip The Speaker Phone. It’s convenient, sure – but it doesn’t give your callers the sound quality they deserve.
  • Ditch The Chewing Gum.
  • Avoid Distractions.
  • Eliminate Inconsistencies.
  • Limit Background Noises.
  • Don’t Whisper.
  • Don’t Shout.
  • Do Not Use Poor Equipment.

What is proper calling hours etiquette?

Calling Hours Etiquette 1 Expressing Sympathy . It is polite to express your sympathy to the family of the deceased in the receiving line. If… 2 Proper Attire. Although it is becoming more popular to wear bright or casual clothing to calling hours and funerals,… 3 Time Frame. It is not necessary

What are the important rules of cell phone etiquette?

The rules of cellphone etiquette vary from country to country. Good cellphone etiquette is similar to common courtesy. Conversations and text exchanges have a tendency to distract people from what’s happening in front of them. Cellphone users should be thoughtful, courteous and respect the people around them.

What is the importance of telephone etiquette?

Like most other business interactions, phone calls leave your customers with an impression of your business. Proper phone etiquette is important to your company because it’s usually the first contact point for a customer and represents how your business will treat them in other conversations.

What is good office etiquette?

Good office etiquette is easily achieved by using common courtesy as a matter of course. Keep your interruptions of others to a minimum and always apologise if your intrusion is an interruption of a discussion, someone’s concentration or other activity. Show respect for each others workspace.

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