Is Ray Rayner still alive?

Is Ray Rayner still alive?

Deceased (1919–2004)
Ray Rayner/Living or Deceased

Was Ray Rayner in the military?

He enlisted in the Army Air Forces, serving as the navigator of a B-17 during World War II, when he was shot down over France on April 3, 1943.

Where is Ray Rayner buried?

Vista Verde Memorial Park, Rio Rancho, New Mexico, United States
Ray Rayner/Place of burial

Was Ray Rayner a Bozo?

Bob (bandleader Bob Trendler), Bozo (Bob Bell), Oliver O. Oliver (Ray Rayner), Sandy (Don Sandburg). The Bozo Show was a locally produced children’s television program that aired on WGN-TV in Chicago and nationally on what is now NewsNation.

What kind of dog was cuddly Duddly?

cocker spaniel
Cuddly Dudley is a lifesize (at 28.5 inch tall) shiny plush stuffed animal nostalgic cocker spaniel doll that was used as a subscription sales promotional item by the Chicago Tribune in the mid-1960s.

What was the name of Ray Rayner duck?

Chelveston, the petulant duck best known for pecking the ankles of children`s television show host Ray Rayner, died in his sleep Saturday.

Is Bob Bell still alive?

Deceased (1922–1997)
Bob Bell/Living or Deceased

What was the Ducks name on Ray Rayner?

Chelveston, the petulant duck best known for pecking the ankles of children`s television show host Ray Rayner, died in his sleep Saturday.

Who was Chauncey on the Ray Rayner Show?

Throughout the 70’s it was on WGN from 7:00 to 8:00. Then, when Garfield Goose and Friends was cancelled, Frazier Thomas became the ringmaster on Bozo’s Circus at noon and Ray Rayner & Friends went from 7:00 to 8:30. Ray was always calling his off-camera staff “Chauncy”. He was a real treat.”

What was on Ray Rayner Show?

Ray Rayner and His Friends
Bozo’s Circus
Ray Rayner/TV shows

Was Bozo the Clown a Marine?

Bell was born in Flint, Michigan, to a General Motors factory worker. He spent his life after high school doing odd jobs until he enlisted first in the United States Marine Corps and later the United States Navy during World War II, though he did not see any combat action due to the loss of vision in his right eye.

Who was the real Bozo?

Joey D’AuriaThe Bozo Show
Bozo the Clown/Played by

Who was Ray Rayner on WGN in the 1960s?

Ray Rayner (born Raymond M. Rahner; July 23, 1919 – January 21, 2004) was a staple of Chicago children’s television in the 1960s and 1970s on WGN-TV .

Who was the female singer on Ray Rayner and his friends?

I remember Ray Rayner sometimes hosted a talk show on WGN that featured a female vocalist and co-hostess named Mina Cole. She supposedly was a dark brunette Caucasian woman, but she resembled vocalist Lena Horne very much. I remember this lady being on the show, but I cannot find anything about her on the internet.

How old was Ray Rayner when he died?

But Rayner, who died Wednesday morning at age 84 of respiratory failure at a Ft. Myers, Fla., hospital, was more than a target for Bozo. He was a TV icon for Chicago Baby Boomers. “There were times in his career when he was on whenever you turned the television on,” said Bruce DuMont, founder and president of the Museum of Broadcast Communications.

When did Ray Rayner switch to children’s show?

WBBM asked Rayner to switch to a children’s program in 1958, though reluctant at first, he did so with The Little Show, which was very much like Ray Rayner and His Friends; on this version, the duck he worked with had the name of Havelock. It ran two years; he also hosted Popeye’s Firehouse (as Chief Abernathy) for another two.

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