Which indicator is responsible for no record found in chain opcode?

Which indicator is responsible for no record found in chain opcode?

You can specify an indicator in positions 71-72 that is set on if no record in the file matches the search argument. This information can also be obtained from the %FOUND built-in function, which returns ‘0’ if no record is found, and ‘1’ if a record is found.

How do I use Rpgle update?

Update operation on a subfile is performed to update the subfile with changes in the subfile attribute e.g. change in display attribute/indicators. For partial updating a file, we can use %FIELDS or EXCEPT. If we use a data structure in result field then the file is directly updated from the data structure.

What is Readc Rpgle?

READC (Read Next Changed Record)

What is the IFS on the Iseries?

A file system provides the support that allows applications to access specific segments of storage that are organized as logical units. These logical units are files, directories, libraries, and objects.

What is opcode as400?

Operation codes, which are entered on the calculation specifications, indicate the operation to be done. Usually they are abbreviations of the name of the operation.

What is the difference between Reade and chain?

The CHAIN command does a SETLL and a READE in order to find a match. CHAIN is best used to locate a unique record (like a customer record). SETLL with READE is best used when there can be more than one record found. For example, you can find multiple customer orders in your system for one unique customer.

What is subfile in as400?

A subfile is nothing but just displaying records in tabular format on a display device. ยท It can be an editable tabular format due to which it can be used in data entry screen, inquiry(static) screen or combination of both i.e. editing the information for a particular inquiry.

How to create a DS for I / O in RPG?

Then in your RPG program, simply add the ALIAS keyword to your F-Spec and instead of pulling in the short names, the compiler will use the long names. You can if you wish, create a DS for I/O using the LIKEREC () or EXTNAME () and ALIAS keywords on the DS declaration.

Which is the CHAIN statement in ILE RPG?

The free-format CHAIN statement is used slightly differently from a standard ILE RPG CHAIN. In free-format, the chain command is used, as shown below: chain(EN) keyfield file-or-record-name data-structure;

Do you have to use free format for RPG?

This means that any free-format copybook source must begin and end with the /free and / end-free compiler directives. In some cases, the free-format versions of the RPG opcodes may be coded differently from the fixed-format RPG. The free-format version of the IF statement works in pretty much the same way as the ILE RPG IF statement.

What’s the difference between ILE RPG and free format?

The free-format version of the IF statement works in pretty much the same way as the ILE RPG IF statement. In free-format, however, the condition portion of the statement is not limited to what can fit in the extended factor 2 field. The free-format CHAIN statement is used slightly differently from a standard ILE RPG CHAIN.

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