What is a TEIS referral?

What is a TEIS referral?

Children and their families in the TEIS program deserve the highest-quality services. TEIS just luanched a new online referral form to assist Tennessee families! This form can be used by anyone to refer infants/toddlers ages birth to three where there are concerns about disabilities or developmental delays.

How does TEIS work?

TEIS helps families with children with disabilities or developmental delays connect to the support and services they need. At that point, an Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP) team meeting will be held to determine the services and support that will help the child reach their optimal development.

How do you get TEIS?

You may make a referral to TEIS by completing our online referral form or by calling (800) 852-7157. The referral form can also be found in the MyTN app, available on your app store.

What does TEIS stand for?


Acronym Definition
TEIS Tennessee Early Intervention System (Tennessee Department of Education)
TEIS Total Engineering and Integration Services
TEIS Teacher Education Interest Section (newsletter)
TEIS Teacher Education Internet Server (Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education)

What is kid central TN?

kidcentral tn is a free, one-stop resource for Tennessee families to raise healthy and happy kids. Created by the Governor’s Children’s Cabinet, kidcentral tn features articles on health, education, development and more.

What is a child find?

Child find is the process of identifying and evaluating children with disabilities who may be in need of special education and related services.

What does early intervention do for speech?

Through early intervention, parents can be taught valuable early language strategies so that they can help facilitate their child’s speech and language development during play, reading books and during daily routines such as mealtime and bath time.

What is an early intervention specialist?

Early intervention specialists are trained educators who work with kids from birth through age four to address developmental delays. Children who receive early intervention services can significantly benefit in lowering the severity of physical, speech, intellectual, and behavioral development issues.

Who is responsible child finding?

The Child Find mandate is part of The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (referred to as “IDEA” or “IDEA 2004”). Child Find legally requires public school districts to identify, locate and evaluate all children who have disabilities from birth through the age of 21.

Who is covered by child Find?

Under federal law, public schools must look for, find, and evaluate kids who need special education. This is called Child Find, and it covers kids from birth through age 21. It applies to all kids, including those who are homeschooled or in private schools, plus kids who are migrants or without homes.

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