What is satiation?

What is satiation?

satiate \SAY-shee-ayt\ verb. : to satisfy (a need, a desire, etc.) fully or to excess.

What is a state of satiation?

n. The state produced by having had a specific need, such as hunger or thirst, fulfilled.

What is the satiation point?

BIBLIOGRAPHY. The Oxford English Dictionary offers one definition of satiation to be the “point at which satisfaction of a need or familiarity with a stimulus reduces or ends an organism’s responsiveness or motivation” and thereby encompasses, in principle, the satiety of both needs and desires.

What is meant by utility and point of satiation?

The economic principle of satiation is the effect whereby the more of a good one possesses the less one is willing to give up to get more of it. This effect is caused by diminishing marginal utility, the effect whereby the consumer gains less utility per unit of a product the more units of a product he or she consumes.

What is satiation in behavior?

Satiation is the condition that exists when a consequence has lost its effect on behavior. Satiation is usually described in relation to reinforcement. However, the condition can also occur with aversive consequences (see the “Complications and Cautions” section).

What does satiation mean in psychology?

1. the satisfaction of a desire or need, such as hunger or thirst; another name for satiety. 2. the temporary loss of effectiveness of a reinforcer due to its repeated presentation. —satiate vb.

What is an example of satiation?

Satiation is when we need more of something to get the same effect. I like to think of it as having too much of a good thing. For example, I love going out for dinner to celebrate, but if I did that everyday I would get sick of it.

What is non satiation assumption?

The assumption that a consumer will always benefit from additional consumption. The demand for some goods may have a finite limit, but it is likely that there is some good or service a consumer would benefit from having more of. From: non-satiation in A Dictionary of Economics »

Which of the following is an example of satiation?

Satiation refers to having too much. If the same reinforcer is used over and over again, it will lose it’s reinforcing value. I haven’t eaten pizza in a long time, because I’ve been on a diet. Because I haven’t eaten any, I am deprived, therefore, I want pizza!

What is another word for satiation?

Some common synonyms of satiate are cloy, glut, gorge, pall, sate, and surfeit.

What is satiation in psychology?

When does satiation occur in a human being?

satiation A process that leads to the cessation of an activity, applied most commonly to feeding behaviour. Satiation may be associated with physiological changes and it occurs before the point at which appetite is satisfied completely and continuation of the activity becomes physically impossible.

Which is the best definition of satiation in economics?

Satiation. The Oxford English Dictionary offers one definition of satiation to be the “ point at which satisfaction of a need or familiarity with a stimulus reduces or ends an organism ’ s responsiveness or motivation ” and thereby encompasses, in principle, the satiety of both needs and desires. Neoclassical economics,…

Which is the best definition of predator satiation?

One of the answers is: Predator Satiation. A predator is any animal that would eat a periodical cicada, i.e., birds, raccoons, squirrels, dogs, snakes, etc. Satiation, in the case of cicadas, means to supply predators with enough cicadas to eat until they are wary of eating and thus avoid them completely.

Is the subject ill at ease with the concept of satiation?

It thus stands to reason that the subject sits ill at ease with the concept of satiation.

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