What are the clues for Sfst?

What are the clues for Sfst?

There are eight cues or clues that a police officer is looking for on the Walk & Turn Test; they are as follows:

  • Can’t keep balance during instructions.
  • Starts too soon.
  • Stops walking.
  • Misses heel-to-toe.
  • Steps off line.
  • Uses arms for balance.
  • Improper turn.
  • Incorrect number of steps.

How many clues do you need for Sfst?

There are a total of 8 clues the officer is looking for. The police officers are taught that if the person demonstrates 2 or more clues on this test or fails to complete it, then there is a 68% accuracy in determining the suspect’s blood alcohol content is above 0.10.

What are the 8 clues in the walk and turn test?

The eight clues the officer will be looking for are: not keeping your balance while listening to instructions, starting the test before you are instructed to begin, not touching your heel to your toe, stepping off the line, stopping while walking, using your arms for balance, making an improper tum, and taking more or …

How many clues does it take to fail one-leg stand?

4. One-Leg Stand Test Clues. In order to gauge whether a driver is intoxicated, law enforcement officials will typically watch for four major “clues” of intoxication during the administration of the one-leg stand test. Keeping these clues in mind, officers will then give one point for each clue that is spotted.

How do you conduct an Sfst?


  1. Remove glasses/ask if wearing contacts (note type of contacts)
  2. Position feet together and place hands at side.
  3. Keep head still during test. Follow stimulus with eyes only.
  4. Position stimulus 12-15″ from person’s face in front of the subject’s nose slightly above eye level.

What are the 4 clues for the one leg stand list?

For the One leg stand (OLS) test, there exist four clues of intoxication:

  • Swaying.
  • Uses arms to balance.
  • Hopping.
  • Puts foot down. •

How accurate is Sfst?

Data analysis found the SFSTs to be extremely accurate in discriminating between BACs above and below 0.08 percent. The mean estimated and measured BACs of the 297 motorists tested were 0.117 and 0.122, respectively; the difference between the means (0.005 percent BAC) is very small and operationally irrelevant.

How many clues are in the 9 step walk and turn test?

eight clues
There are eight clues associated with the walk and turn test. Two can be assessed in the “instructional stage” (starts too soon, looses balance) and the remaining six in the” walking stage” (misses heel to toe, steps off line, uses arms to balance, stops while walking, too many steps, improper turn).

What are the clues for Walk and Turn?

The Walk and Turn Test

  • if the suspect cannot keep his or her balance during instructions,
  • starts too soon,
  • stops while walking,
  • doesn’t touch heel-to-toe,
  • steps off the line,
  • uses arms to balance,
  • performs improper turn or turns incorrectly, or.
  • takes an incorrect amount of steps.

How long should a 63 year old be able to stand on one leg?

Try standing on one leg for 20 seconds A person should be able to maintain this balance for more than 20 seconds. Any duration less than this calls for a medical check-up unless this incapability can be explained by another physical reason.

How many clues do you need to fail walk and turn?

What is the most reliable Sfst?

At the end of this study, the (3) most reliable field sobriety tests were determined to be Alcohol Gaze Nystagmus, Walk and Turn and One Leg Stand.

How many clues are there in the SFST guide?

Clues (8 maximum): 1 Can’t balance during instructions 2 Starts too soon 3 Stops while walking 4 Doesn’t touch heel to toe 5 Steps off the line 6 Uses arms for balance 7 Improper turn/loses balance on turn 8 Wrong number of steps

What are the clues for the one leg stand SFST?

ONE LEG STAND SFST CLUES For the One leg stand (OLS) test, there exist four clues of intoxication: 1. Swaying 2. Uses arms to balance 3. Hopping 4. Puts foot down • Note that if the suspect cannot perform the test (test stopped or not requested for suspect’s safety), then the officer will assign all 4 clues.

How is the SFST test supposed to be done?

This test requires the subject to stand on one leg. The other leg is to be extended in front of the subject in a straight leg manner, with the foot held approximately six inches above and parallel to the ground.

Is the field sobriety test a flexible test?

THE STANDARDIZED FIELD SOBRIETY TESTS ARE NOT AT ALL FLEXIBLE. THEY MUST BE ADMINISTERED EACH TIME, EXACTLY AS OUTLINED IN THIS COURSE (P. 8, SFST Administrators Guide, HS 178 R1/02). Officers often state that a client’s foot “swayed from side to side”, or that both arms were kept raised to shoulder level during the performance of this test.

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