What is PHPDoc comments?

What is PHPDoc comments?

phpDoc blocks are descriptive comments that are part of the application code. They are used to describe the PHP element in the exact location in the code where the element appears. The block consists of a short description, long description, and phpDoc tags.

How do I write a PHPDoc comment?

What you are asking about is called PHPDoc: PSR-5: PHPDoc. If you place your caret the line above the code block you want to describe (class, method, property, etc.) and type /** then hit Enter, your IDE will try to generate the comment block for you. Try it.

How to document code PhpStorm?

For documentation comments, PhpStorm provides completion that is enabled by default. PhpStorm creates stubs of PHPDoc blocks when you type the /** opening tag and press Enter , or press Alt+Insert and appoint the code construct (a class, a method, a function, and so on) to document.

What is a DocBlock in PHP?

A DocBlock is a piece of documentation in your source code that informs you what the function of a certain class, method or other Structural Element is.

How do you comment in PHP storm?

“how to use line comment in php storm” Code Answer

  1. Ctrl + / ==> To comment/uncomment a line .
  2. Ctrl + Shift + / ==> To comment/uncomment block of code.
  3. Ctrl + Y ==> To delete a line.

What are annotations in PHP?

Annotation is a form of syntactic metadata that can be added to source code. Annotations can be embedded in and read using reflection mechanism. Annotations can be placed in classes, methods, properties and functions. PHP offers only a single form of such metadata – doc-comments.

How do I enable hints in PhpStorm?

In the Settings/Preferences dialog Ctrl+Alt+S , select Editor | Inlay Hints and click the necessary language. Select Parameter hints in the list in the middle section. The options for configuring hints become available on the right.

What is PhpDoc And why would you use it?

PhpDoc, short for PhpDocumentor, is a powerful tool that allows you to easily document your code via specially formatted comments. The documentation will be available not only in the source code, but also in professional documentation extracted using either the web or command-line interface.

How does PHP work with HTML?

PHP processor scans the page, line by line. It build a processed HTML page. If it finds HTML, it passes that on as part of the processed HTML page it is building. If it finds PHP scripts, the PHP processor may or may not output HTML.

How to generate PHPDoc comments in the editor?

In the editor context menu, select and choose the code construct to generate PHPDoc comments for. Press Alt+Insert, then select Generate PHPDoc blocks, and choose the code construct to generate PHPDoc comments for.

What can you do with comments in PHP?

It is worth mentioning that, HTML comments have no meaning in PHP parser. So, WILL execute some_function () and echo result inside HTML comment. Comments in PHP can be used for several purposes, a very interesting one being that you can generate API documentation directly from them by using PHPDocumentor ( http://www.phpdoc.org/ ).

How to generate PHPDoc comments in IntelliJ IDEA?

Place the caret before the required code construct (class, method, function, and so on), type the opening block comment /**, and press Enter. In the editor context menu, select Generate | Generate PHPDoc blocks and choose the code construct to generate PHPDoc comments for.

How does PhpStorm create stubs of PHPDoc comments?

For documentation comments, PhpStorm provides completion that is enabled by default. PhpStorm creates stubs of PHPDoc blocks when you type the /** opening tag and press Enter, or press Alt+Insert and appoint the code construct (a class, a method, a function, and so on) to document.

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