How much do guinea chicks cost?

How much do guinea chicks cost?

Guinea fowl chicks (better known as keets) are widely available at farms and hatcheries across the country. Generally, they will cost about $4 – $8 for the common colors like pearl, royal purple, and white guineas.

Do guineas keep hawks away?

Many people add guinea fowl to their flock. No predators will make it past guinea fowl. They will certainly spot any hawks lurking above, and will alert you and all of the animals around that there’s danger. The noise alone has been known to scare hawks away before they attack.

Do guineas need a coop?

Guinea fowl do need shelter but it does not necessarily have to be a coop. Being from the same family as pheasants and turkeys they prefer to roost in the trees but in order to keep them around and find the eggs easily you really need to provide them with housing and train them in it’s use.

What is poisonous to guinea fowl?

Coccidiostats, such as coban, are toxic to guinea fowls.

When can you let guineas free range?

My answer is that you can start to free range guinea fowl from between 3 and 4 months of age. The first stage is to let them out just 30 minutes or so before they normally roost, that way they won’t have the time to wander far before it’d bedtime.

What age can guineas free range?

Which is better guinea fowl or chicken for sale?

Guinea fowl are considered lower cost and maintenance than chickens. Guineas are available for sale year-round. Market weight for a jumbo French Guinea is four pounds at 12 weeks when fed properly using broiler feed to accelerate growth and weight.

How many colors does a fancy assorted guinea fowl have?

Fancy Assorted = Includes 4 colors (or more) of guinea keets. Hatchery Choice. Colors … Rare Assorted Keets. Rare Assorted = 3 colors (or more) of guinea keets.

What kind of bird is a porcelain Guinea?

Porcelain Guineas are pale, pastel, creamy-blue fowl with white dots. Porcelain Guinea hens tend to be a little darker. This very rare variety is a lighter version of the Lavender Guinea.

Where does a vulturine guinea fowl come from?

Vulturine Guineas are native to sub-Saharan Africa and in the wild they are known to travel in flocks of 20-50 birds. Captive-bred Vulturines can become very tame and do very well in an aviary. Males can sometimes be aggressive towards hens, so plan for a large sized aviary with plenty of cover for the hen.

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