What are the depth icons?

What are the depth icons?

The Depth and Complexity Icons are visual prompts designed to help students go beyond surface level understanding of a concept and enhance their ability to think critically. These critical thinking tools help students dig deeper into a concept (depth) and understand that concept with greater complexity.

What are Sandra Kaplan’s icons of depth and complexity?

The Depth and Complexity icons are tools that will take students of any age deeper into a study of any content area. Each of the eleven prompts acts as a different lens, prompting students to look at a topic in a new way.

Which are depth and which are complexity?

Broadly speaking, expert knowledge can be categorized in two ways – depth: deep understanding of the content of the field; and complexity: scholarly insights into the connections across time, people and disciplines.

What is Kaplan’s depth and complexity?

1. Language of the Discipline: What academic and non-academic language is used to discuss, explore, or understand theme both in the classroom and the real world?

What are the icons of depth and complexity?

What are the complexity icons?

What are icons of depth and complexity?

What are icons of depth and Complexity?

What are the Complexity icons?

What is a Complexity framework?

The “What’s the Complexity?” Framework evaluates activities a child engages in throughout the day. The Framework enables professionals to evaluate the complexity of the task and environment separately in order to pinpoint the main source of complexity in a given activity.

What is depth Complexity?

The goal of Depth is to help students to expand their knowledge and expertise while maintaining a balance with the academic content. COMPLEXITY. The goal of Complexity is to challenge students to make connections across disciplines, both over time and between disciplines.

What is ethics in depth and Complexity?

In this section, we introduce my personal favorite tool of depth and complexity: Ethics. This prompt draws students’ attention to the good and bad within a topic. Multiple Perspectives asks students to consider how another person would think about a topic.

Why are the depth and complexity icons important?

The Depth and Complexity Icons are visual prompts designed to help students go beyond surface level understanding of a concept and enhance their ability to think critically. These critical thinking tools help students dig deeper into a concept ( depth) and understand that concept with greater complexity.

Where did the Labidochromis caeruleus get its name?

L. caeruleus was originally imported under the name L. tanganyicae. This is thought to be because the first captive bred specimens were bred in a facility at Lake Tanganyika. It is the ideal beginner’s mbuna. You must be logged in to post a comment.

How big of an aquarium do you need for Labidochromis caeruleus?

Maternal mouthbrooder. It should be spawned in a species tank in a harem of one male and at least 3 females. A 48″ aquarium is a good size and should be furnished as suggested above. Provide some flat stones and areas of open sand to act as potential spawning sites. The pH should be around 8.2-8.5 and the temperature 77-80°F.

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