What does it mean reviewers assigned?

What does it mean reviewers assigned?

The status “reviewers assigned” indicates that the reviewers accepted the invitation to review your paper. Thus the subsequent status “under review” means that the manuscript has been sent out for review. This could possibly be because the reviewer(s) may have realized a potential conflict of interest.

What is the meaning of reviewers assigned in Springer?

So, the ‘Reviewers Assigned’ status means that the peer reviewers (usually two or three) have been assigned. This does not mean that they have started reviewing your manuscript or even taken a look at it.

What does an editorial reviewer do?

They provide feedback on the paper, suggest improvements and make a recommendation to the editor about whether to accept, reject or request changes to the article. The ultimate decision always rests with the editor but reviewers play a significant role in determining the outcome.

Can editors be reviewers?

That editors occasionally act as reviewers is not uncommon. This does not mean it should be the norm, quite the contrary.

What does under review mean Scholarone?

For AER (and AEJs), “under review” just means an editor has been assigned. The status won’t change until a decision has been made, although the editor may contact you saying that the paper is being sent out to reviewers.

What does review completed mean?

The status “reviews completed” indicates that peer reviewers have finished evaluating your manuscript and the review reports have been sent to the journal.

What should be your responsibilities while doing your role as a reviewer?

Reviewers have the responsibility to identify strengths and provide constructive comments to help the author resolve weaknesses in the work. A reviewer should respect the intellectual independence of the author.

What is editorial rejection?

In particular, the editorial rejection process benefits authors by delivering rapid decisions for manuscripts that are not likely to succeed in peer review. Editorial rejections are also meant to relieve the burden on volunteer reviewers, transferring some of the reviewing load onto editors.

Can editor review a manuscript?

Yes, an editor can review a manuscript themselves, but you cannot infer an editor is reviewing themselves when a manuscript has been with “a journal [for] one month…and the status is ‘with editor’ up to now.” Even if the editor can have a conflict of interest?

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