Which is main component of diesel engine?

Which is main component of diesel engine?

Crankshaft: It is the main component behind transmitting power to the propeller shaft. Camshaft: Controls and operates the main three valves (Inlet, Exhaust and Fuel Injector) within the engine— each valve produces at different speeds.

What parts are inside of an engine?

What are the main parts of an engine?

  • Engine block. The block is the main part of the engine.
  • Pistons. Pistons pump up and down as the spark plugs fire and the pistons compress the air/fuel mix.
  • Cylinder head.
  • Crankshaft.
  • Camshaft.
  • Valves.
  • Oil pan.

Which component is not part of diesel engine?

A penstock is not a part of diesel engine power plant.

What is diesel engine parts?

What are the major components in a diesel engine?

  • The engines fuel System. The fuel system includes the fuel injection pump, the lift pump, the injectors and all the fuel pipes.
  • The engines lubrication system / oil system.
  • The engines cooling system.
  • The engines exhaust system.
  • The engines Turbo charger.

What are the components of a diesel engine?

Diesel Engine Main Parts Cylinder Block Asyembly. Cylinder block is the main component of internal combustion engine both 2 stroke and 4 stroke. Cylinder Head Asyembly. The second component unit is located on the top of the engine. Piston and connecting rod. Crankshaft. Oil Pan. Timming Chain Asyembly. Fly Wheel. Fuel System Asyembly.

What are the basic components of an engine?

An engine is composed of several major components; the block, the crank, the rods, the pistons, the head (or heads), the valves, the cams, the intake and exhaust systems and the ignition system. These parts work together in an exacting manner to harness the chemical energy in gasoline,…

What is a diesel motor?

The diesel engine is a type of internal combustion engine that was invented by Rudolf Diesel . He received a patent for the diesel engine in 1892 and the primary goal was to create an efficient alternative to the gasoline engine. Both gasoline engines and diesel engines work by creating a controlled explosion in a sealed piston chamber.

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