Does a Hydronephrotic kidney need to be removed?

Does a Hydronephrotic kidney need to be removed?

Hydronephrosis is usually treated by addressing the underlying disease or cause, such as a kidney stone or infection. Some cases can be resolved without surgery. Infections can be treated with antibiotics. A kidney stone can pass through by itself or might be severe enough to require removal with surgery.

How long does it take to recover from prolapse surgery?

You may need about 4 to 6 weeks to fully recover from open surgery and 1 to 2 weeks to recover from laparoscopic surgery or vaginal surgery. It is important to avoid heavy lifting while you are recovering, so that your incision can heal.

What is a pyeloplasty procedure?

Your ureter may be swollen. You may have some pain for a few days after surgery. Your healthcare providers will give you pain medication either orally (by mouth), through your intravenous tube or an injection. Another source of pain is a bladder spasm. You may feel your bladder suddenly tighten.

What is Obliterative surgery?

Two types of surgery treat this condition: Obliterative surgery. This procedure narrows or closes the vagina to support the pelvic organs. Reconstructive surgery. This procedure moves the uterus and other organs back into their original position, and then supports them.

How long does a nephrostomy tube stay in?

It may be needed for only two to three days, or it may need to stay in for a much longer period to allow a more permanent solution for the blockage to be organized.

What is Anderson Hynes pyeloplasty?

Background: The Anderson-Hynes pyeloplasty (AHP) is a surgical technique used in the management of pelvi-ureteric junction obstruction. This operation has been performed for over six decades and has etched its name in the annals of urology.

How painful is prolapse surgery?

Usually the graft is anchored to the muscles of the pelvic floor. Generally this surgery is not very painful. You may feel as if you have been ‘riding on a horseback’. You will have some discomfort and pain, so please do not hesitate to take pain medication.

How long does pyeloplasty surgery take?

Laparoscopic pyeloplasty is performed under general anesthesia. The typical length of the operation is three to four hours. The surgery is performed through three small (1 cm) incisions made in the abdomen.

What is the success rate of pyeloplasty surgery?

What is the overall success rate of robotic pyeloplasty? Success rate in terms of complete radiographic resolution of the obstruction is approximately 90% with symptomatic relief in approximately 95%. In comparison, endoscopic techniques such as endopyelotomy are associated with a 70-80% success rate.

How long do you stay in hospital after prolapse surgery?

You’ll usually need to stay in hospital overnight or for a few days. Most women can go home once their bladder is emptying well. In rare cases, you may need a catheter for a week or so. You’ll still be able to go home, but you’ll need to come back in a week or two to have the catheter removed.

What kind of surgery is done for a prolapsed bladder?

Colporrhaphy treats a prolapsed bladder (cystocele) or rectum (rectocele) by repairing the weakened wall between the vagina and the bladder or rectum. The surgery is performed through the vagina. Hysterectomy treats a prolapsed uterus by removing it.

Can a rectal prolapse be repaired in one surgery?

If you have rectal prolapse and certain other conditions, such as vaginal prolapse or pelvic organ prolapse, you might have both repairs done in one surgery. You’ll spend a brief time in the hospital recovering and regaining your bowel function. You’ll begin by drinking clear liquids and transition to solid foods.

What is the goal of pelvic organ prolapse?

In cases of pelvic organ prolapse, there is laxity of vaginal support resulting in protrusion of the pelvic organs. The goal of laparoscopic colposuspension is to resuspend the vagina and associated pelvic organs through the key-hole incisions.

What kind of catheter is used for pelvic prolapse?

A Foley catheter (i.e. bladder catheter) is placed to drain the bladder. A gauze vaginal packing is also placed at the end of the procedure.

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