How much is a 1925 Model T Ford worth?

How much is a 1925 Model T Ford worth?

Data based on 68 auction sales. note: The images shown are representations of the 1925 Ford Model T and not necessarily vehicles that have been bought or sold at auction….Ford Models.

Bodystyles Median Sale
Runabout $3,850
Runabout $13,440
Truck with Body $11,275
Truck with Stake Body $6,200

How much would a 1925 Model T cost back then and now?

In current equivalent dollars, the cost of the Runabout started at $825 in 1909 ($23,763 in today’s dollars) and bottomed out at $260 in 1925 ($3,837 in today’s dollars)….Price and production.

Year 1925
Production 1,911,705
Price for Runabout $260
Current equivalent Cost $3,837
Notes Touring car was $290

How much does a Model T sell for?

As a result, there’s a whole price range for surviving Model T vehicles in 2020. A model in perfect condition will cost $17,600 – $24,200. The next best condition, “excellent,” will range between $11,825 – $17,600. From there, the condition terminology drops to “good,” with prices between $8,750 – $11,825.

How many Ford Model T’s are left?

More from Ford. Ninety years after this last car headed out onto the open road, it’s estimated that some 60,000 Ford Model Ts still survive today. Incredibly, 50,000 of these are in road-going condition.

What does the T in Model T stand for?

T stands for Tim. He was going to call it Model A, but I got him to postpone the decision for a few years.

How much is a 1920 Model T worth?

Data based on 28 auction sales. note: The images shown are representations of the 1920 Ford Model T and not necessarily vehicles that have been bought or sold at auction….Ford Models.

Bodystyles Median Sale
Roadster $11,322
Speedster $20,350
Touring $8,750

How was Model T named?

Origins of ‘Tin Lizzie’ Another claim says that during a 1922 race at Pikes Peak, Colorado, participant Noel Bullock named his Model T “Old Liz,” but its unkempt state made people compare it to a tin can, earning it the “Tin Lizzie” moniker. Unexpectedly, Bullock’s car won and the nickname stuck to all Model Ts.

Is the 1925 Ford Model T still drivable?

Gateway Classic Cars of Tampa is proud to offer this 1925 Ford Model T Doctors Coupe. This vehicle is almost 100 years old and is still drivable, truly amazing. Walking around this Model T will set…

When was the first Ford Model T made?

The Ford Model T, built between 1909-27, is one of the world’s most-produced cars of all time. In no less than 17 body styles or editions at one time or another, 14.7 million of the little machines were built… more»

Where can I find a 1926 Ford Model T?

This 1926 Ford Model T Roadster Pick-up is one of approximately 15 million Model Ts produced between 1908 – 1927. With possible local business provenance, this Model T is available here on craigslist in Denver Colorado for $7,000. Special… more» This 1924 Ford Model T Roadster has emerged from a 50-year hibernation in remarkably good order.

What’s the VIN on a 1925 Ford T?

Clean and clear Title – VIN NO: 12263685 | 1925 Model T 1 ton truck, Model TT. | Karosene marker lights front and rear. | Starts and drives great if you know how to operate. | Supposedly ran mo… More Info › Gateway Classic Cars of Atlanta is proud to present a clean and custom 1925 Ford T-bucket.

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