How was the longhorn beetle introduced?

How was the longhorn beetle introduced?

Introduction. The Asian longhorned beetle (Anoplophora glabripennis) is a wood-boring beetle believed to have been introduced into the U.S. on wood pallets and wood packing material in cargo shipments from Asia (the beetle’s native range includes China and Korea).

Where did the longhorned beetle originally come from?

Asian longhorned beetle, (Anoplophora glabripennis), also spelled Asian long-horned beetle, also called starry sky beetle, species of beetle (order Coleoptera, family Cerambycidae), originally native to eastern China and Korea, that became a serious pest of hardwood trees in North America and parts of Eurasia.

Why is it called the Titanic longhorn beetle?

The scientific name of this beetle family goes back to a figure from Greek mythology: after an argument with nymphs, the shepherd Cerambus was transformed into a large beetle with horns.

Where did the ALB come from?

The Asian longhorned beetle, or ALB, is an invasive insect that feeds on a wide variety of trees in the United States, eventually killing them. The beetle is native to China and the Korean Peninsula and is in the wood-boring beetle family Cerambycidae.

What does the ALB eat?

The adults of these insects are herbivorous, feasting upon leaves, twigs, and several kinds of plant matters. In the United States, the beetles feed on birch, chestnut, green ash, maple, and a variety of other trees.

What does longhorn beetle eat?

Adult beetles feed on leaves, twigs and young bark. Females deposit anywhere from 35 to 90 eggs, one at a time, in pits they dig in the bark. When the eggs hatch, ALB larvae bore into the cambium, the tissue that ferries the tree’s nutrients, and then they move into the heartwood.

Where do longhorn beetles live?

Cactus longhorn beetles (the genus Moneilema) are large, flightless, black beetles found in North American deserts of the western United States and northern Mexico.

What do Asian longhorn beetles eat?

Asian Longhorned Beetle (Anoplophora glabripennis) Description: The Asian Longhorned Beetle belongs to the family of wood boring beetles, Cerambycidae. Classification: Diet: Asian longhorned beetles feed on wood of many common hardwood species: birches, common horsechestnuts, elms, hackberries, London planes, maples, mountain ashes, poplars, aspens, and willows.

What does beetle have a horn?

Male rhinoceros beetles (there are more than 300 species) are known for their huge horns, some of which can exceed the length of the rest of the beetle’s body. The males use these horns, which come in an array of shapes, to battle each other for supremacy of sap-leaking sites on trees.

What is an Asian longhorn beetle?

The Asian longhorned beetle is a black insect with white speckles that grows a long antenna. The beetle chews its way into hardwood trees to lay eggs. The eggs produce larvae and those larvae tunnel deep under the bark and feed on living tree tissue. This feeding effectively cuts off the tree’s food supply and starves it to the point of death.

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