What are some media sources?

What are some media sources?


  • Magazines.
  • TV and radio.
  • Internet.
  • News agencies.
  • Alternative media.
  • What are some news sources?

    Major news sources

    Name Means of distribution Main media type(s)
    NBC News Television News
    The New York Times Newspapers News, sports
    USA Today Newspapers News
    The Wall Street Journal Newspapers News

    What is considered media news?

    The news media are those elements of the mass media that focus on delivering news to the general public or a target public. These include print media (newspapers, newsmagazines), broadcast news (radio and television), and more recently the Internet (online newspapers, news blogs, etc.).

    What is news source?

    News sources are the verified individuals, companies and documents that provide the information around which a journalist, website or publication might write a story.

    What is a media source?

    Media source – any mass storage device used to serve A-V media content to an application such as a video editor (usually on the same computer) Media server – an electronic appliance or personal computer application that delivers audio-visual media to other devices at the same location, such as a home or school.

    What are reliable sources of news?

    Pulitzer Prize Winning News Sources

    • Associated Press.
    • Center for Public Integrity.
    • Chicago Tribune.
    • Los Angeles Times.
    • Reuters.
    • Tampa Bay Times.
    • The Boston Globe.
    • The New York Times.

    What are the different news sources today?

    These are the news sources which are prominent in today’s time:

    • Radio: It is an audio medium used by many in today’s time.
    • Television: television telecasts their news on television through which other newspaper takes there sources.
    • Newspapers and magazines: these two also act as a good source of news.

    Why news is called news?

    The English word “news” developed in the 14th century as a special use of the plural form of “new”. In Middle English, the equivalent word was newes, like the French nouvelles and the German Neues.

    What is news sources in journalism?

    News sources are people who journalists interview, talk to, quote, observe or meet to ‘construct’ a news story. They provide the basic information which is the building block of a news story. At the same time no two sources can lend the same meaning to a news story.

    Why are news sources important?

    Sources are very important if you want to report on events or issues and explain the world to your audience. Journalists who only report what they see can miss much of the news unless they have sources to tell them of more details or other aspects which are out of sight.

    What is the purpose of alternative news media?

    The alternative news media is dedicated to reporting on current issues that aren’t sufficiently covered by mainstream media. In fact, their motto is “drilling beneath the headlines”. They do this to provide readers with expert reporting and commentary from a liberal point of view.

    Why are alternative news sites called fake news?

    Because so much information can be overwhelming, we created a curated platform offering credible alternative news and media sources that are not beholden to corporate masters and their scripted narratives. The corporate media sponsored fact-checkers will call these sites “fake news,” but it’s quite the opposite.

    What’s the difference between alternative media and mainstream media?

    The key difference between alternative media and mainstream media is that it is independent and not backed by corporate interests. Alternative media is, therefore, also referred to as independent media. Given the growing concern around fake news, many people are turning to alternative media to learn the truth about what is really going on.

    Which is the best description of the Alternative Press?

    The alternative press consists of printed publications that provide a different or dissident viewpoint than that provided by major mainstream and corporate newspapers, magazines, and other print media. Factsheet Five publisher Mike Gunderloy described the alternative press as “sort of the ‘grown-up’ underground press.

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