What is the climate and geography of Niger?

What is the climate and geography of Niger?

Niger’s climate is largely hot and dry, with most of the country in a desert region. The terrain is predominantly desert plains and sand dunes. There are also large plains in the south and hills in the north. In the extreme south, there is a tropical climate near the edges of the Niger River Basin.

What climate zone is Niger in?

Niger, one of the hottest countries in the world, has three basic climatic zones: the Saharan desert in the north, the Sahel to the south of the desert, and the Sudan in the southwest corner.

What is the climate of the Niger River?

In Niger, the climate is desert in the north, semi-desert in the center, and semi-arid of the savanna in the south. In fact, the rains increase from north to south because of the African monsoon, which brings humidity and clouds from the Atlantic Ocean, in the June-September period.

What is the geography of the Niger River?

Its source is in the Guinea Highlands in southeastern Guinea near the Sierra Leone border. It runs in a crescent through Mali, Niger, on the border with Benin and then through Nigeria, discharging through a massive delta, known as the Niger Delta (or the Oil Rivers), into the Gulf of Guinea in the Atlantic Ocean.

Is Niger the poorest country?

Niger is one of the poorest countries in the world Niger is a landlocked country in West Africa, with a population of about 20 million, of which more than 97% are Muslim. It is a nation that suffers from multiple droughts and few arable areas, placing it among the poorest countries in the world.

Does it rain in Niger?

Niger receives most of its rain between June and Sep- tember, and rainfall totals of more than 500 millimeters (mm) during this season typically provide enough water for crops and livestock.

What are the seasons like in Niger?

The climate could be said to divide the year into three seasons: a hot season from March to May when temperatures can reach and even exceed 40°C and sandstorms can and do occur at times, followed by a rainy season from June to September making the air heavy and humid with finally a cooler season starting in October and …

Is Niger a tropical?

Niger extends southward from the tropic of Cancer, and the northern two-thirds of its territory lies in dry tropical desert. In the southern part of the country the climate is of the type known as Sahelian, which is characterized by a single, short rainy season.

What is unique about the Niger river?

The Niger takes an unusual route. It is a boomerang shape and this confused Europeans for 2000 years. Its source is only 240 km (150 miles) from the Atlantic Ocean, but the river flows away from the sea into the Sahara Desert, then turns near the ancient city of Timbuktu (Tombouctou).

Where does the Niger river flow into?

Gulf of Guinea
Atlantic Ocean

The Niger River is the principal river of western Africa, extending over 2500 miles (about 4000 km). It runs in a crescent through Guinea, Mali, Niger, on the border with Benin and then through Nigeria, discharging through a massive delta, known as the Oil Rivers, into the Gulf of Guinea.

What language do they speak in Niger?

Niger/Official languages

Why is Niger the worst country to live in?

Niger is a landlocked country in North Africa and droughts are a major problem. The SPI ranks its “water and sanitation” sub-index at only 22.19, which has lead to devastating food shortages and famines.

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