Who was the intended audience for the House Divided speech?

Who was the intended audience for the House Divided speech?

Audience. This speech is geared towards the citizens of the United States and the members of Congress. They are ignorant of the fact that they must come to an agreement, whatever that decision may be.

What were the main points of Lincoln’s House Divided speech?

In his “house divided” speech, Lincoln countered that the Dred Scott decision the previous year had already opened the doors for slavery to be legal in the north, as well as all territories that the U.S. expanded into. If the U.S. wanted to be a free country, he argued, it had to act now before it was too late.

Who was the audience of Lincoln’s speech?

His primary audience was Southern unionists – who, as evidenced by the good showing of John Bell in states like Virginia, were more numerous than is often thought today. Lincoln argued that secession was null and void.

What was the House Lincoln was referring to what was dividing it?

As you can see, in this metaphor, the “house” refers to the Union — to the United States of America — and that house was divided between the opponents and advocates of slavery.

What arguments did Stephen Douglas make regarding slavery?

Douglas argued that slavery was a dying institution that had reached its natural limits and could not thrive where climate and soil were inhospitable. He asserted that the problem of slavery could best be resolved if it were treated as essentially a local problem.

What was the House Divided speech and when was it given?

The House Divided Speech was an address given by Abraham Lincoln, later President of the United States, on June 16, 1858, at what was then the Illinois State Capitol in Springfield, after he had accepted the Illinois Republican Party’s nomination as that state’s US senator. The “House Divided” speech opens the volume.

How does Lincoln feel his audience?

The intended audience for Abraham Lincoln’s speech was for the whole American nation. Abraham Lincoln expresses his feelings towards the results of the war and then states, “It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us-that from these honored men we take increased devotion”(522).

Who is the audience Gettysburg Address?

The speech was addressed in front of a live audience formed by the representatives of the committee for the Consecration of the National Cemetery at Gettysburg, politicians, journalists, and crowds of soldiers and civilians – all together approximately 15,000 people.

What is the meaning of a house divided?

a group or organization weakened by internal dissensions. This phrase alludes to Matthew 12:25: ‘Every city or house divided against itself shall not stand’, that is, will be unable to withstand external pressures.

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