What type of rat is 1996?

What type of rat is 1996?

Fire Rat
Years and the Five Elements

Start date End date Heavenly branch
15 February 1972 2 February 1973 Water Rat
2 February 1984 19 February 1985 Wood Rat
19 February 1996 6 February 1997 Fire Rat
7 February 2008 25 January 2009 Earth Rat

What characteristics are people of Year of the Rat?

People born in the Year of the Rat are ambitious and work hard to achieve their goals. Rat people are also charming, talkative and easily make friends. Although they are gossipy they are also very private about their own personal life and are devoted and faithful to close friends.

What is the personality of a dragon?

Dragons symbolize such character traits as dominance, ambition, authority, dignity and capacity. Dragons prefer to live by their own rules and if left on their own, are usually successful. They’re driven, unafraid of challenges, and willing to take risks.

Are rats lucky in 2021?

Overall Luck: People born with Rat sign of Chinese zodiac will have a stable fortune in the whole year of 2021. Most of them will win many golden chances to develop career because of their persistence spirit, great patience and loyal characteristic.

What does the year of the rat symbolize?

Rat (Chinese Zodiac, in Chinese: 大鼠) is the first sign of the Chinese zodiac. A rat represents fertility, reproduction, wealth (since the species proliferate quickly and abundantly and always finding hoards to eat).

What is the rat personality?

The Rat’s Personality and Characteristics Rats are quick-witted, resourceful, and smart but lack courage. With rich imaginations and sharp observations, they can take advantage of various opportunities well.

What does Year of the Rat symbolize?

Are dragons friendly?

Dragons are wonderful animals. They can be quite friendly and helpful, depending to their personalities. They are just like people. They can vary, depending how they are treated or how they live.

What is the Chinese zodiac for 1996?

1996 is the year of the Rat according to Chinese zodiac. Furtherly based on Chinese Five Elements, the year 1996 belongs to the Fire. Therefore, people born in 1996 are the Fire Rat.

What is the Chinese zodiac sign for 1996?

The Year of the Fire Rat. Those born between February 18, 1996 and February 6, 1997 are members of the Fire Rat Chinese Zodiac sign.

What is the zodiac sign for 1996?

Those born between February 18, 1996 and February 6, 1997 are members of the Fire Rat Chinese Zodiac sign .

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