What is Bhumyamalaki used for?

What is Bhumyamalaki used for?

Believed to cool and soothe the digestive tract, Bhumyamalaki has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for more than 2,000 years. Also known in Portuguese as “Quebra-Pedra,” or “stonebreaker,” it is found among tribal herbal remedies in tropical cultures.

What does Phyllanthus amarus cure?

P. amarus also has antiseptic, diuretic, antiviral, anti-diabetic, hypotensive and antipyretic properties, and is also used in the treatment of jaundice, diarrhoea, dysentery, wound, ulcers and urogenital diseases (Calixto et al., 1998; Santos et al., 1995).

What is the use of Phyllanthus?

Phyllanthus has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for over 2,000 years and has a wide number of traditional uses including internal use for jaundice, gonorrhea, frequent menstruation, and diabetes and topical use as a poultice for skin ulcers, sores, swelling, and itchiness.

What is Katuki rhizome?

The Katuki is a Sanskrit word which means bitter. This is a great herb used very much in the ayurvedic treatment. Katuki is known as Picrorhiza kurroa in the scientific language. This is a perennial herb which has a long rhizome. It is 2.5 to 12 cm long and 0.3 to 1 cm thick with somewhat curvy straight features.

When should I take Bhumyamalaki?

Suggested Use Drink this mixture as a tea once or twice daily, or as directed by your healthcare practitioner. Please consult your physician regarding the consumption of this supplement prior to the use of it if you are pregnant, or nursing, or on medication, or have a medical condition.

What is the benefit of Punarnava?

In classical Ayurveda, Punarnava has been used to support healthy heart, lung, and kidney function and reduce edema, or “ama” in the form of excess fluids. This herb is believed to be hepato-protective, meaning that it supports healthy liver function by protecting the organ from toxins.

How do you use Phyllanthus?

Available as a dietary supplement, the leaves, stems, and root of the Phyllanthus plant can be used to make teas, decoctions, tinctures, and extracts. Phyllanthus poultices, made using fresh shoots and leaves, can also be applied to the skin to treat sores and rash.

Is Phyllanthus good for health?

They can help treat high blood pressure and a range of other conditions. Some practitioners of herbal medicine use Phyllanthus niruri as a diuretic. In a 2018 study , researchers found that Phyllanthus niruri has a diuretic effect in rats, boosting the excretion of sodium in the urine.

How do you drink the Leaf of life?

Intestinal Aid When consumed as a tea, Leaf of Life’s antibacterial properties can assist in minimizing “bad” bacteria in the intestinal tract. The stem and leaves can both be steeped in water and used as a daily infusion to boost the immune system. It’s beneficial as a cleanse to rid the body of waste and toxins.

What are the benefits of Bhringraj?

What are the benefits of Bhringraj for hair?

  • Treats dandruff and dry scalp. Bhringraj oil is dense and has a higher specific gravity as compared to other oils.
  • Treats baldness and helps in hair growth.
  • Prevents hair fall.
  • Promotes hair growth.
  • Prevents graying of hair.
  • Makes hair lustrous.
  • Repairs hair damage.

What is Katuki stem?

Picrorhiza kurroa which is also known as Katuki is a Sanskrit word that means bitter. It has variant medicinal properties which has been affirmed in the Ayurvedas. It belongs to the Plantaginaceae family. This sui generis herb is a native to the Himalayan region across India, Pakistan, Nepal, Burma and so on.

What is Bhumyamalaki herb?

Bhumyamalaki (Phyllanthus amarus) is the classic Ayurvedic herb for the liver. It is very bitter in taste and has an action that is cooling, soothing, and cleansing. With its special affinity for the liver, bhumyamalaki acts to cleanse, detoxify, and strengthen this essential organ.

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