Which states have a Mid Day Meal Scheme?

Which states have a Mid Day Meal Scheme?

Tamil Nadu is considered the pioneer in introducing mid-day meals in government schools. However, the scheme as it stands currently has gone through a series of changes since being introduced first in 1995 as a Centrally sponsored scheme across 2,408 blocks for students up to Class 5.

What is the main scheme of mid day meal?

The main objectives of the MDM scheme are: To increase the enrolment of the children belonging to disadvantaged sections in the schools. Leading enrolment to increased attendance in the schools. To retain children studying in classes 1-8.

Which state government hiked pay for the Mid Day Meal worker?

Himachal Pradesh Mid-day Meal Workers Union protest, demand pay hike. Mid -day meal workers protest in Shimla on Tuesday. Himachal Pradesh Mid-day Meal Workers Union has demanded that their monthly salary of Rs 2,600 per month be hiked to Rs 9,000.

Which state start mid day meal first?

MDM – Kerala The Mid Day Meal Scheme was first introduced in the state of Kerala in1984 in the LP Schools functioning in 222 Villages, having Fishermen as majority. This was gradually extended formally in 1995.

What is class 7 midday meal?

Ans: Mid day meal programme is a programme introduced in all government elimentary school to provide students with cooked lunch.

Which state started mid day meal scheme and when?

The Mid Day Meal Scheme was first introduced in the state of Kerala in1984 in the LP Schools functioning in 222 Villages, having Fishermen as majority. This was gradually extended formally in 1995.

In which state and when was the midday meal scheme introduced in India?

WHO launched mid day meal scheme?

the Children’s LoveCastles Trust
In Karnataka, the Children’s LoveCastles Trust started providing midday meals in 1997.

Which state started Mid Day Meal Scheme and when?

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