Who was Steve Jobs favorite musician?

Who was Steve Jobs favorite musician?

As for music, Huffington Post reports: Jobs called Bob Dylan “one of my heroes” and had over a dozen Dylan albums on his iPod, along with songs from seven different Beatles albums, six Rolling Stones albums and four albums by Jobs’ onetime lover Joan Baez.

Did Steve Jobs love music?

Not long before his untimely death, Steve Jobs accidentally revealed his favorite music during a product demonstration. Since Jobs used meditation to get creative, it’s highly likely he also used music to alter his moods and states of consciousness.

Did Steve Jobs like Coldplay?

3. Turns out that Steve Jobs was a big Coldplay fan, which either proves that he had his finger on the pulse of humanity or proves that he had zero musical taste, depending on your perspective. What’s undeniable is that the boys of Coldplay deliver a rousing mini-concert, starting at the 58 minute mark.

Was Steve Jobs vindictive?

Jobs was an amazingly talented but highly flawed individual. A manipulative, excitable liar who was cold, mean, and vindictive, he was not very pleasant to be around. One can only wonder what would have happened to Apple, NeXT, and Pixar if he did not possess these personality flaws.

What musician was one of Steve Jobs favorites and inspiration?

By most accounts, the Apple CEO took inspiration from Dylan more than he did any figure in the corporate world. “Of all the people that he idolized—the rebels, he called them, the people that thought differently—I think Dylan was the most consequential for Jobs,” Steve Jobs director Danny Boyle tells Newsweek.

Does Apple Martin sing?

Apple Martin proves she has her father Chris’s music talent | Daily Mail Online. Gwyneth Paltrow proves that her daughter Apple Martin has her father Chris Martin’s music talent. Apple sings and plays guitar along with several other young girls.

Did Steve Jobs never bathe?

He Didn’t Believe In Showers… He dabbled with being a vegetarian and vegan at times, and for a while was convinced that having a meat-free diet, free of toxins, meant he didn’t produce body odor. He basically stopped showering or using deodorant, much to the chagrin of his co-workers.

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