What does nidus in Latin mean?

What does nidus in Latin mean?

Nidus literally means “nest” in Latin, and some of its relatives in English suggest this connection in a straightforward way.

What does Nidas mean?


Acronym Definition
NIDAS Naval Interactive Data Analysis System

What is mean Nedus?

1 : connection, link the nexus between teachers and students also : a causal link the nexus between poverty and crime. 2 : a connected group or series a nexus of theories a nexus of relationships.

Is a nidus a nest?

Nidus: In medicine, any structure that resembles a nest in appearance or function. From the Latin for ‘nest. ‘ A nidus is a breeding place where bacteria, parasites, and other agents of a disease lodge and develop.

What is nitis?

In Native American the meaning of the name Nitis is: Friend.

What does picaroon mean in English?

picaroon in American English (ˌpɪkəˈruːn) noun. a rogue, vagabond, thief, or brigand. a pirate or corsair.

What does NEX mean?


Acronym Definition
NEX Network Express
NEX Network Exchange
NEX Non-Exclusive (data sets)
NEX Number of EXcitations

What is nidus infection?

From the Latin for ‘nest. ‘ A nidus is a breeding place where bacteria, parasites, and other agents of a disease lodge and develop. For example, a nidus of infection is a focus of infection. A nidus is also the nucleus or origin of a nerve.

Is Nidus a good Warframe?

Nidus is one of the most loved Warframes in the game and units a great skill set with a fun-to-play play style as well as a cool theme. Because Nidus is a great Warframe and his skill set makes him a great choice for every mission type.

What is the difference between osteoid osteoma and osteoblastoma?

Histologically, osteoid osteoma and osteoblastoma are similar, containing osteoblasts that produce osteoid and woven bone. Osteoblastoma, however, is larger, tends to be more aggressive, and can undergo malignant transformation, whereas osteoid osteoma is small, benign, and self-limited.

Where does the word nidus come from in biology?

Borrowed from Latin nīdus (“nest”). Doublet of nye and nest . An aggregate of neurons. A nest for insects or small animals. A place of infection in an organism. An origin (originating point) for a phenomenon.

Which is an example of a negative use of Nidus?

Consequently, the extended use of nidus in English often has a negative connotation, referring to a source of undesirable opinions or behaviors. Recent Examples on the Web The indisputably desirable goal of supporting walking, biking and bus-riding around an Uptown nidus was severely wounded.

Which is an example of a nidus of an ear infection?

In end-stage middle ear infection, epithelium undergoes metaplasia with new bone proliferation of tympanic bulla which serves as a nidus of infection. Osteiod Osteoma consists of woven bone and osteoid, which is surrounded by halo of reactive sclerotic bone, having less than 1.5 cm of average site of nidus.

How often does a plain radiograph show a nidus?

In 85% of the total number of cases, plain radiographs demonstrate the nidus .2 The size of the nidus is quite small and furthermore, is commonly located in an area where a plain radiograph has a high probability of missing the lesion.

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