Why does Bella look prettier as a vampire?

Why does Bella look prettier as a vampire?

Bella is described in the Breaking Dawn book as having much darker, waist-long hair, but Clevering decided against dyeing Stewart’s hair to get the look. I gave her hair more curl and texture,” she told InStyle.com. “I polished her up as a vampire. As you can see, her whole look changed to be more perfect.”

What type of vampire was Bella?

Bella is married to Edward Cullen Jr., with whom she has a human-vampire hybrid daughter, Renesmee Cullen….Bella Swan.

Bella Cullen
Species Human (Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, Breaking Dawn part 1) (formerly) Vampire (Breaking Dawn part 2) (currently)
Gender Female

Why does Bella Swan smell so good?

Bree Tanner, a newborn vampire from Victoria’s army in Eclipse, described her blood to be “the sweetest scent she’d ever smelled”, but why exactly was Bella’s blood so special is unknown – it might be attributed to her blood being O-negative, or even to her diet.

How long did it take for Bella to transform?

Bella experiences the full agony of transformation—the feeling of being burned alive, which she comments that James snapping her leg couldn’t come close to this. But she remains completely still throughout the process to keep from hurting Edward’s feelings. Her transformation completes after three days, now a vampire.

Why was the makeup in twilight so bad?

“We all had hours of hair and makeup in the morning, and then when we showed up on set, it was raining,” the actor revealed. “And because we are vampires, we can’t shoot in the sun! So, we were always shooting when it was cloudy, and then there was hail, and the makeup was pouring off.

Was Edward a virgin before Bella?

“In the first book in the series it states Bella is a virgin, but Edward said he has never found a vampire or human he’s been with before Bella.” meaning that they are both virgins.”

Was Edward a virgin?

Described as devastatingly beautiful, Edward has a sense of chivalry and virtue so strong he has remained a virgin his whole 108 year life.

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