What is MediaWiki good for?

What is MediaWiki good for?

MediaWiki is a free, open source software application used to create online wikis: encyclopedia-like websites that allows collaborative editing by their users. It was first created specifically to run Wikipedia, but is now available for public use.

How do I set up MediaWiki?

Whenever you delete a page, you will have the “Create” option appear. Click on “Create”. Here you will find yourself on the MediaWiki create page area, where you can enter all of the information you want. Click on the “Save Page” button when you are done.

What is MediaWiki namespace?

The “MediaWiki” namespace is used to hold system messages and other important content. For instance, the page MediaWiki:Edit (or MediaWiki:Vector-view-edit in the default “Vector” skin) contains the text that fills the “Edit” tab at the top of every page.

How do I install MediaWiki on Windows?

To install PHP follow the steps below:

  1. Install the Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable.
  2. Extract the PHP zip into to a location of your choice.
  3. Create the php.
  4. Open your C:\PHP\php.
  5. Edit permissions on the images directory of the MediaWiki installation and add IUSR with modify privileges.

Is MediaWiki safe?

MediaWiki is the free open-source wiki software used to power Wikipedia and thousands of other wikis. The contributions of hundreds of individual developers have helped make it a feature-rich, secure and scalable platform capable of powering some of the largest collaboratively edited reference projects in the world.

Is MediaWiki reliable?

It powers Wikipedia and also this website. MediaWiki helps you collect and organize knowledge and make it available to people. It’s powerful, multilingual, free and open, extensible, customizable, reliable, and free of charge.

How do I add MediaWiki to my website?

How to install MediaWiki

  1. create a database for the application.
  2. download the installation package from the official site.
  3. upload the installation pack on your hosting account.
  4. access its URL and configure the settings to finish the installation.

How do I make a fandom page?

Follow these steps to get started:

  1. Open a Web browser to Wikia.com.
  2. Near the top there will be a Create Wiki button, click on it.
  3. Pick a name for your wiki, followed by a Web address.
  4. Sign up for an account on Wikia if you don’t have one already.
  5. Enter a description for the type of wiki you are creating.
  6. Pick a theme.

What are Wiki namespaces?

A Wikipedia namespace is a set of Wikipedia pages whose names begin with a particular reserved word recognized by the MediaWiki software (followed by a colon). For example, in the user namespace all titles begin with the prefix User:.

What is using namespace in C#?

Namespaces in C# are used to organize too many classes so that it can be easy to handle the application. In a simple C# program, we use System. Console where System is the namespace and Console is the class. To access the class of a namespace, we need to use namespacename.

Where is MediaWiki database located?

Manual:Database. php

MediaWiki file: Database.php
Location: includes/libs/rdbms/database/
Source code: master • 1.36.2 • 1.35.4
Classes: Wikimedia\Rdbms\Database

How do I host MediaWiki locally?

Where can I download the latest version of MediaWiki?

To support such users, we maintain old branches of our code for up to a year for the legacy release and up to three years for the legacy long term support release. If you want to run on the latest development ( i.e. alpha) version, you can either download it as mediawiki-master.tar.gz, or download from Git .

Is the MediaWiki app compatible with PHP 7.3.0?

MediaWiki is not compatible with PHP 7.3.0 – 7.3.18 and 7.4.0 – 7.4.8 due to an upstream bug. Use PHP 7.3.19+ or 7.4.9+ instead. See task T246594 for more information. MediaWiki is not yet compatible with PHP 8. See task T248925 for more information.

Is there a warranty for the use of MediaWiki?

MediaWiki is free software licensed under version 2 of the GNU General Public License. Because MediaWiki is licensed free of charge, there is no warranty, to the extent permitted by applicable law. Read the full text of the GNU GPL version 2 for details .

What kind of server do I need for MediaWiki?

Read the full text of the GNU GPL version 2 for details . MediaWiki requires PHP 7.4.9+ and either MySQL 5.5.8+, MariaDB, SQLite or PostgreSQL. For more information, please read the pages on system requirements and compatibility .

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