Where do I report a malfunctioning traffic light?

Where do I report a malfunctioning traffic light?

Reports of malfunctioning traffic signals that are operated and maintained by the County should be called into our 24/7 Dispatch Center at 800-675-HELP (4357).

Who is responsible for traffic lights in Texas?

Texas Department of Transportation
The Transportation and Planning Division operates and maintains all traffic signals and flashing beacons located on roadways in the unincorporated areas of the County with the exception of those roadways maintained by Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT).

How do I report a bad stop light?


  1. Call 311, or (213) 473-3231.
  2. Use the online service request form for street lights or visit the street lighting webpage.

Where are flashing yellow lights found?

A flashing yellow light means something else. A flashing yellow means you should proceed with caution, knowing cross-traffic may be entering. Flashing yellows exist at many busy intersections, and during construction or after a power outage, a traffic light might not be functioning correctly.

What department is in charge of traffic lights?

You may contact the Transportation Department or dial 3-1-1 to report conditions that may require a city response.

What is considered running a red light in Texas?

Definition of red light running If a driver enters the intersection when a light turns red, that is considered red light running. This does not apply if you entered an intersection on a green light to turn left, only to have the light turn red. Right turns result in the most red light running offenses in Lubbock, TX.

Is hoarding illegal in Texas?

With the recently passed ordinance, hoarders can be fined up to $500 a day for posing a threat to public health and safety. The City of Houston has set a nationwide precedent for addressing this widespread problem, and the hopes are that other cities in Texas will soon follow suit.

Where to report a street light outage in Houston?

Answer: According to the city of Houston, street light outages should be reported directly to CenterPoint Energy at 713-207-2222 or online at the CenterPoint Energy website Electric Outage Center. When reporting an outage to CenterPoint, you will need to have the six-digit number found on the light pole or the address where the light is located.

What kind of street lights are in Houston?

Street Light Types The City of Houston standard street light is a LED (Light Emitting Diode, white in color) light fixture mounted on wooden pole or metal pole. Wood Pole Lights: The City will authorize for street light installation on wooden utility poles wherever possible. The wooden poles will have overhead distribution lines.

How to call Houston TX traffic signal hotline?

You can also call our Traffic Signal Hotline at 713-881-3210 City of Houston at 311 or 713-837-0311 TxDOT at 713-802-5662

Who are the elected officials in Houston Texas?

Live 311 telephone assistance is provided 24/7 to serve you from our downtown call center. Houston has a strong Mayor-Council form of government. Elected officials, serving up to two terms of four years each, are: the Mayor, the Controller and 16 Council Members.


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