What is the theme of Eyes Wide Shut?

What is the theme of Eyes Wide Shut?

The focus of Eyes Wide Shut is the scary connection between the erotic and the anonymous. It explores the role that fantasies of strangers play in our sex lives, and it suggests that married people are, ultimately, also strangers to each other.

Why was the mask on the pillow in Eyes Wide Shut?

In the novella the doctor assumes that his wife found the mask. She may have discovered it lying around after it was accidentally misplaced by Bill. Realizing something was up, she left it on his pillow so that he’d find it.

What does Eyes Wide Shut party mean?

It means a person refuses to see something in plain view, because of preconceived notions of what this something should look like. This frequently happens to naïve people.

What actually happened in Eyes Wide Shut?

After this encounter, Bill finally realizes the dark side of this world of sex and anonymity, returning to his wife Alice’s side. She is still open with him about her past sexual fantasies, but in the end they stay loyal to each other, happy that their marriage and mutual sexual attraction have survived this long.

Is Stanley Kubrick still alive?

Deceased (1928–1999)
Stanley Kubrick/Living or Deceased

Who is the mysterious woman in Eyes Wide Shut?

Abigail Good
Eyes Wide Shut (1999) – Abigail Good as Mysterious Woman, Masked Party Principal – IMDb.

Who saved Bill Eyes Wide Shut?

Mandy is considered a hero due to her sacrifising herself for Bill after he saved her from dying after overdosing on speedball. Actress, Julienne Davis considered the role very “risky” as she was fully naked in the film but eventually went for it after being considered by Stanley Kubrick.

What is a cloak lined with ermine?

Those who turn on subtitles, however, will see that she says, “You should have a cloak lined with ermine,” before offering him a long, knowing look. Fans continue to debate the exact meaning of the sentence, but ermine fur comes from a stoat or a weasel, and in fashion is typically linked to European royalty.

What is the password in Eyes Wide Shut?

In the novella, the party (which is sparsely attended) uses “Denmark” as the password for entrance; that is significant in that Albertina had her infatuation with her soldier in Denmark; the film’s password is “Fidelio”. In early drafts of the screenplay, the password was “Fidelio Rainbow”.

What does the oxymoron Eyes Wide Shut mean?

We could make a similar oxymoron by reversing it and saying, “eyes tightly open,” but that doesn’t carry the implied meaning that “eyes wide shut” does, suggesting that we think we see and understand clearly but we are actually, and possibly wilfully blind in so many ways, and unable to see something important.

How old is Stanley Kubrick?

70 years (1928–1999)
Stanley Kubrick/Age at death

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