What happens when sulphur reacts with concentrated nitric acid?

What happens when sulphur reacts with concentrated nitric acid?

When concentrated sulphuric acid is reacted with sulphur it results in the formation of sulphuric acid water and nitrogen dioxide. Here, nitric acid acts as an oxidising agent for sulphur where sulphur is oxidised into sulphur dioxide into the sulphur trioxide and eventually to sulphur acid.

What is the reaction of sulphur and nitric acid?

Sulphur + Nitric acid → Sulphuric acid + Nitrogen dioxide + Water.

What do you observe when conc nitric acid reacts with sulphur?

observations: (i) Reddish-brown gas of NO2 is observed. (ii) Yellow Solid is formed which fuses with glass.

What is the equation for sulphur and concentrated nitric acid?

S + 6HNO3 → H2SO4 + 6NO2 + 2H2O. One sulfur mole reacts with six nitric acid moles and produce one sulfuric acid, six nitrogen dioxide and two water molecules.

When sulphur react with concentrated nitric acid then which gas is evolved?

Sulphur is treated with concentrated nitric acid. NO2 Nitrogen dioxide gas is evolved.

Which concentrated acid will oxidize sulphur directly to sulphuric acid?

Hot concentrated nitric acid oxidizes sulphur directly into sulphuric acid. The name of the process by which sulphuric acid is manufactured is contact process. Vanadium pentoxide is the catalyst used during the process.

When sulphur reacts with conc nitric acid then which gas is evolved?

Sulphur reacts with concentrated nitric acid to give sulphuric acid, water and nitrogen dioxide gas.

What happens when S8 reacts with conc HNO3?

S8 + HNO3 = H2SO4 + NO2 + H2O.

When sulphur reacts with concentrated nitric acid which gas is evolved?

Sulphur is treated with concentrated nitric acid. NO2 Nitrogen dioxide gas is evolved. 32.

When sulphur reacts with concentrated nitric acid then which gas is evolved?

How does it react with concentrated nitric acid?

Hot concentrated nitric acid and carbon reaction Carbon (C) and hot concentrated nitric acid react to give carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and water. Here, carbon is oxidized to its +4 oxidation state and nitrogen’s oxidation state is changed from +5 to +4.

When sulphur reacts with concentrated sulphuric acid the gas evolved is?

What happens when sulfur reacts with hot concentrated nitric acid?

Sulfur and hot concentrated nitric acid reaction When sulfur reacts with hot concentrated, given products are little bit different from previous reaction. In this reaction, sulfur is oxidized to sulfuric acid (H 2 SO 4) while nitric acid is reduced to nitrogen dioxide. S + HNO 3 → H 2 SO 4 + NO 2 + H 2 O

What happens when nitric acid is mixed with copper?

The oxidation reactions of nitric acid often give different products depending on the concentration and quantity. Copper, for example, reduces dilute nitric acid to nitrogen (II) oxide, while concentrated nitric acid gets reduced to nitrogen (IV) oxide. Both of them are right.

How do you balance s + HNO3 in nitric acid reaction?

How to balance S + HNO 3 → SO 2 + NO 2 + H 2 O First, write oxidation numbers of each element and identify which atoms are oxidized and reduced. Sulfur is oxidized while nitrogen is reduced and oxidation numbers of other elements were not changed during the reaction. Next, find oxidation number difference of oxidation.

Which is the oxidation state of nitric acid?

Nitric acid is an oxidizing acid and it can oxidize sulfur into its higher oxidation states (+4 or +6). According to the temperature of concentrated nitric acid solution, sulfur is oxidized to sulfur dioxide (SO 2) or sulfuric acid (H 2 SO 4) acid.

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