Which animal lives the longest?

Which animal lives the longest?

From old to oldest, here are 10 of the longest-living animals in the world today.

  1. Bowhead whale: potentially 200+ years old.
  2. Rougheye rockfish: 200+ years old.
  3. Freshwater pearl mussel: 250+ years old.
  4. Greenland shark: 272+ years old.
  5. Tubeworm: 300+ years old.
  6. Ocean quahog clam: 500+ years old.
  7. Black coral: 4,000+ years old.

What animals are considered long living?

Top 10 Longest Living Animals

  1. Immortal Jellyfish. Can you imagine being immortal?
  2. Ocean Quahog. Ocean Quahogs are an edible clam with an impressive lifespan.
  3. Greenland Shark.
  4. Bowhead Whale.
  5. Koi Fish.
  6. Red Sea Urchin.
  7. Galapagos Giant Tortoise.
  8. Longfin Eel.

What is the longest living mammal?

bowhead whale
Scientists agree that the bowhead whale has the longest lifespan of all marine mammals.

What is the longest-living mammal?

How long does a crocodile live?

Saltwater crocodile: 70 years
Nile crocodile: 50 – 60 years

How long do crocodiles sleep?

And most of the time, crocodiles keep both eyes closed(about 17 hours total each day).

What animal has the longest life expectancy?

the animal with the longest lifespan is the giant tortoise with 152 years. Runners up include: the box turtle with 123 years, the elephant with 69 years, and the horse with 50 years.

What do animals have the longest natural lifespan?

Sea urchins are echinoderms along with sea stars and sea cucumbers. One little know fact about these strange creatures is that they have a long natural lifespan. Most species are said to be able to exceed 30 years , with some individuals of certain species having been found to be 200 years old!

What animals live for a very long time?

Long-lived animals include elephants (up to 70 years), parrots (up to 80 years) and swans (over 100 years). The longest-lived known creature, the museum adds, isn’t all that big: it’s a mussel that…

What does animal have the longest mean lifespan?

The animal with the longest life span is biologically immortal: Turritopsis dohrnii, also called the “immortal jellyfish .”

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