How do I lock a stored procedure in SQL?

How do I lock a stored procedure in SQL?

A better solution is available: SQL Server provides an application manageable lock mechanism through the sp_getapplock / sp_releaseapplock pair of system stored procedures. They provide a way for application code to use SQL’s underlying locking mechanism, without having to lock database rows.

Is it mandatory to return value in stored procedure?

It is mandatory that when the RETURN statement is executed that it return an integer value. If the return value is not provided, the default is 0. The value is typically used to indicate success or failure of the procedure’s execution. You can use one or more RETURN statements in a stored procedure.

Can we use return in stored procedure?

You can use one or more RETURN statements in a stored procedure. The RETURN statement can be used anywhere after the declaration blocks within the SQL-procedure-body. To return multiple output values, parameters can be used instead. Parameter values must be set prior to the RETURN statement being executed.

How do I stop a stored procedure from execution in SQL?

To disable a stored procedure permanently, you can:

  1. Drop the procedure using the DROP PROCEDURE statement.
  2. Use an ALTER PROCEDURE statement.
  3. Rename or delete the z/OS load module.

Does stored procedure lock table?

In contrast, stored procedures do not acquire table-level locks. All statements executed within stored procedures are written to the binary log, even for statement-based binary logging.

How do I debug a stored procedure?

Debugging options

  1. Start Debugging. To start debugging a SQL server stored procedure in SQL Server, press ALT + F5, or go to Debug -> Start Debugging, as shown in the figure below:
  2. Stepping Through Script.
  3. Run To Cursor.
  4. The Local Window.
  5. The Watch Window.
  6. The Call Stack.
  7. The Immediate Window.
  8. Breakpoints.

How many values can be returned from a stored procedure?

3. How many values can be returned from a stored procedure? Explanation: In MySQL, unlike the stored functions, the stored procedures cannot return values. They can be used to perform calculations or produce the result sets passed back to the clients.

How do I return a stored procedure from resultset in SQL Server?

To create a stored procedure that returns result sets:

  1. Use the DYNAMIC RESULT SETS clause in the CREATE/REPLACE PROCEDURE statement to specify the number of result sets the stored procedure returns.
  2. Use a DECLARE CURSOR statement to declare a result set cursor for each result set the stored procedure returns.

How do you stop a stored procedure from running?

After you have connected, right click on the instance name and select ‘Activity Monitor’ from the menu. Once Activity Monitor has loaded, expand the ‘Processes’ section. Scroll down to the SPID of the process you would like to kill. Right click on that line and select ‘Kill Process’.

How do I stop a procedure execution in mysql?

Mysql – How to quit/exit from stored procedure

  1. CREATE PROCEDURE SP_Reporting(IN tablename VARCHAR(20))
  2. BEGIN.
  3. IF tablename IS NULL THEN.
  4. #Exit this stored procedure here.
  5. END IF;
  6. #proceed the code.
  7. END;

How does SQL locking work?

Lock: Lock is a mechanism to ensure data consistency. SQL Server locks objects when the transaction starts. When the transaction is completed, SQL Server releases the locked object. Exclusive (X) Locks: When this lock type occurs, it occurs to prevent other transactions to modify or access a locked object.

What do stored procedures return in SQL Server?

Stored procedures can return an integer value to a calling procedure or an application. To view Transact-SQL syntax for SQL Server 2014 and earlier, see Previous versions documentation. Optionally returns int. Unless documented otherwise, all system stored procedures return a value of 0. This indicates success and a nonzero value indicates failure.

When to use return code in SQL Server?

A procedure can return an integer value called a return code to indicate the execution status of a procedure. You specify the return code for a procedure using the RETURN statement. As with OUTPUT parameters, you must save the return code in a variable when the procedure is executed in order to use the return code value in the calling program.

What do I need to know about blocking in SQL Server?

To view the data, users should have SQL Server System Administrator or VIEW SERVER STATE permissions on the instance. If you are more comfortable using SQL Server Management Studio to review locking and blocking as opposed to querying system objects or executing stored procedures, you are in luck.

Can a stored procedure return an integer value?

integer_expression. Is the integer value that is returned. Stored procedures can return an integer value to a calling procedure or an application.

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