How long is the TCC placement test?

How long is the TCC placement test?

The PERT is administered on a walk-in basis, Monday through Friday. PERT is untimed, but please allow a minimum of three hours for testing in all subjects: English, Reading and Math.

How do I pass a college placement test?

Here are 5 actionable steps to help with college placement tests.

  1. Determine if you are exempt from placement tests.
  2. Prepare by determining the format of the test.
  3. Gather practice tests and resources to study.
  4. Practice, study, practice.
  5. Do this the day before the test.

What happens if you fail the placement test?

You cannot fail a placement test. The test determines what courses you will be placed in when you begin at college. Depending on your score, you may need to take extra developmental courses or you may be able to start regular college courses right away.

What happens if I fail my placement test?

Is it OK to do bad on placement test?

There is no “passing” or “failing” on a placement test. A placement test serves only to “place” you in one math class or another. There is no “passing” or “failing” with a placement test; there is only “placing”.

Do I need to take the placement test?

A valid form of picture identification (state-issued driver’s license or ID card,passport,or military ID) is required for all placement testing,regardless of the location.

  • Use of electronic devices and study aids are not permitted while taking a placement test.
  • Make sure you understand all directions.
  • Can I fail the Accuplacer placement test?

    Though you may not have gotten the score or placement you wanted, you can’t fail the ACCUPLACER. You can still take courses at Cape Cod Community College. The placement test is not an entrance exam, it is a tool to assist in placing you into appropriate level courses.

    How important is a placement test in college?

    College placement exams serve an important and necessary purpose for incoming students. They help to determine proper class placement so that your student can be appropriately challenged and successful. No student wants to be in a course that they don’t need, or in a course that is beyond their ability.

    What is on a college placement test?

    Placement tests primarily assess abilities in English, mathematics and reading. Colleges may also use placement tests in other disciplines such as foreign languages, computer and internet technologies, health and natural sciences.

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