What is an implicit motive?

What is an implicit motive?

Implicit motives are defined as unconscious motivational dispositions that are activated through affectively charged incentives influencing spontaneous behavior (McClelland, 1985; Schultheiss, 2008).

What is explicit motive?

Explicit motives involve controlled or conscious information processing and propositional reasoning, while implicit motives concern automatic or non-conscious information processing (McClelland et al., 1989).

What is the difference between implicit and explicit motivation?

Explicit goals affect conscious attitudes, choices, and decisions, but do not energize individuals. In contrast to implicit motives, individuals do not experience inherent pleasure and reward when they pursue explicit goals. Pleasure and reward is derived only from reaching these goals.

What are three major implicit motives?

Since the 1950s, research on implicit motives has focused primarily on three motivational needs: the need for achievement, the need for power, and the need for affiliation (Schultheiss, Rosch, Rawolle, Kordik, & Graham, 2010).

What a person needs within an implicit motive is to experience?

“What a person ‘needs’ with an implicit motive is to experience a particular pattern of affect or emotion.” (p. 154). This is similar to what Dr. Need for affiliation (N-Affil): term popularized by David McClelland: a person’s need to feel a sense of involvement and belonging within a social group.

What are the three major implicit motives?

What is explicit and implicit?

Explicit describes something that is very clear and without vagueness or ambiguity. Implicit often functions as the opposite, referring to something that is understood, but not described clearly or directly, and often using implication or assumption.

What are the three major implicit motives quizlet?

LO 7.3 Describe the three major implicit motives, how they are measured, and how they affect behavior. The three major implicit motives are power, achievement, and affiliation. They are usually measured with projective tests such as telling stories in response to pictures.

What a person needs within an implicit motive is to experience quizlet?

“What a person ‘needs’ with an implicit motive is to experience a particular pattern of affect or emotion.” (p. 154).

How do you write explicitly?


  1. Explicit writing is the creation of statements that explain their purpose and leave the reader with a clear and concise understanding of the context of a statement.
  2. When placing yourself in the reader’s shoes and asking “why,” you can better formulate effective explicit writing.

What is implicit example?

The definition of implicit refers to something that is suggested or implied but not ever clearly said. An example of implicit is when your wife gives you a dirty look when you drop your socks on the floor.

How can implicit motives be determined by language?

How can implicit motives be determined by language? -Implicit motives can be coded through analyzing speeches but not through other writings. -Implicit motives can be determined by asking others to report on their loved one’s motives. Implicit motives can be coded through analyzing speeches and stories.

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