Is a masters in history worth it?

Is a masters in history worth it?

Greater Access to Career Options – Historians with a master’s degree in history may be able to teach at the community college level. There may also be opportunities available to work at museums, research centers and libraries. The applications of a master’s degree in history are far-reaching.

What is the highest paying job with a history degree?

Public relations manager
1. Public relations manager. According to, one of the highest-paying jobs for those with a history degree is a public relations manager. While this may not be an obvious career path when you think of a history degree, it requires many of the skills you learned to be an effective communicator.

How much do history masters make?

According to Payscale, graduates with a master of arts degree in history earn a median of $57,000 a year. With a rich understanding of the past and a diverse set of skills from your master-level classes, new career opportunities may unfold.

What are 10 careers in history?

10 history degree jobs

  • Park ranger.
  • Museum archivist.
  • Librarian.
  • Writer or editor.
  • Business consultant.
  • Lawyer.
  • Researcher.
  • Historian.

Is history a useless major?

Is history a useless major? A history degree emphasizes analytical, research, critical thinking, and writing skills. History majors also strengthen their persuasive reasoning and creative thinking abilities. These skills can transfer to diverse careers.

What can I do with a bachelor’s in history?

What Can You Do With a Bachelor’s Degree in History?

  • Advertising, promotions, and marketing managers. Dr.
  • Assistant to an anthropologist or archaeologist.
  • Archivists, curators, and museum workers.
  • Media and communications.
  • Fundraising.
  • Campaign work.
  • State Department and other government positions.
  • Financial analyst.

What jobs can I get if I like history?

Here are 10 interesting careers for history lovers of various skills levels and in multiple fields:

  • Tour guide. National average salary: $28,818 per year.
  • Foreign language professor.
  • Documentary filmmaker.
  • Anthropologist.
  • Genealogist.
  • English or literature professor.
  • Archeologist.
  • Sociologist.

Are history degrees useless?

What can I do after Ma history?

After completing the MA Ancient history course, a student can get employment in various sectors like tourism, journalism, State Departments, Archaeological Survey of India, museums, law, civil services where he/she can work as a professor, archivist, heritage manager, museum education officer, civil service …

What job can I do with history?

Experts on careers for history program alumni say that the following types of jobs are common among these graduates:

  • High school history teacher.
  • Community college history lecturer.
  • College or university history professor.
  • Government historian.
  • Historical consultant.
  • Political advisor.
  • Museum curator.
  • Archivist.

Is history a useless degree?

If you want a career in history, a history degree is very useful and sometimes essential. However, some employers do ask for a particular degree (such as business studies, computer science or engineering) and history doesn’t often feature – keep this in mind if you want the widest possible range of jobs open to you.

What can I do with a history degree besides teach?

What jobs can you get with a Masters degree in history?

Graduates holding a master’s degree in history might pursue potential career opportunities in a wide variety of fields. Some common careers for historians include: archivists. curators. museum workers. secondary or post secondary teachers. economists.

What careers can you get with a Masters degree?

A master’s degree can open many career doors, including certain career fields, advancement opportunities, and higher salaries. Careers that may require a master’s degree include special education teacher, counselor, college professor, advanced practice nurse, school administrator, occupational therapist, and speech-language pathologist .

What are some careers in history?

Common jobs for history majors include: teachers, public officials, paralegals and lawyers, tour guides, researchers, writers, librarians, curators, journalists. The truth is that if you are passionate about history, and work to combine knowledge with gained experience and learned skills,…

What can you do with a history degree?

History majors pursue a variety of career paths after building their research, writing, and analytical skills. Some of the jobs you can get with a history degree include positions in schools, museums, archives, and libraries.

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