What are synonyms for conducive?

What are synonyms for conducive?

Synonyms & Antonyms of conducive

  • advantageous,
  • beneficial,
  • favorable,
  • helpful,
  • profitable,
  • propitious,
  • salutary.

What is a synonym for economic activity?

1 business, commercial, financial, industrial, mercantile, trade. 2 money-making, productive, profitable, profit-making, remunerative, solvent, viable. 3 bread-and-butter (informal) budgetary, financial, fiscal, material, monetary, pecuniary.

Is conducive a synonym of Favourable?

In this page you can discover 22 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for conducive, like: favorable, conducive to, contributive, contributory, helpful, beneficial, participate, contributing, promoting, useful and unhelpful.

What are two synonyms for economy?


  • frugality,
  • husbandry,
  • parsimony,
  • penny-pinching,
  • providence,
  • scrimping,
  • skimping,
  • thrift.

What’s the meaning of conducive environment?

providing the right conditions for something good to happen or exist: Such a noisy environment was not conducive to a good night’s sleep. A quiet room is a more conducive atmosphere for studying. Useful or advantageous.

Is it conducive to or conducive for?

Conducive means tending to cause or produce something. Regular exercise is conducive to happiness and a feeling of well-being. This adjective is usually followed by the preposition to, and it refers to bringing about something favorable or helpful: A positive attitude is conducive to good health.

What are synonyms of economic?

synonyms for economic

  • budgetary.
  • commercial.
  • fiscal.
  • industrial.
  • monetary.
  • bread-and-butter.
  • material.
  • mercantile.

What is the synonym of economic?

financial, monetary, pecuniary, budgetary, fiscal, commercial, trade, mercantile. 2’many organizations must become larger if they are to remain economic’ profitable, profit-making, moneymaking, money-spinning, lucrative, remunerative, financially rewarding, fruitful, gainful, productive.

What is the conducive mean?

: tending to promote or assist an atmosphere conducive to education.

Which is correct conducive to or conducive for?

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