What is sub and function in VB net?

What is sub and function in VB net?

A Sub procedure is a separate set of codes that are used in VB.NET programming to execute a specific task, and it does not return any values. The Sub procedure is similar to the function procedure for executing a specific task except that it does not return any value, while the function procedure returns a value.

What is Sub in Visual Basic?

A Sub procedure is a series of Visual Basic statements enclosed by the Sub and End Sub statements. The Sub procedure performs a task and then returns control to the calling code, but it does not return a value to the calling code. You can define a Sub procedure in modules, classes, and structures.

How do you create a sub in Visual Basic?

You call a Sub procedure by using the procedure name in a statement and then following that name with its argument list in parentheses. You can omit the parentheses only if you don’t supply any arguments. However, your code is more readable if you always include the parentheses.

How do you call a function in Visual Basic?

How to call Function?

  1. You call a Function procedure by using the procedure name, followed by the argument list in parentheses, in an expression.
  2. You can omit the parentheses only if you are not supplying any arguments.
  3. A function can also be called using the Call statement, in which case the return value is ignored.

Is Sub procedure valuable?

A sub procedure is valuable because it: Questions and Answer on competitive exams like GATE exam, entrance tests, fun games, and much more. makes code easier to maintain. limits the number of times the code can be accessed.

What is sub routine in VB net?

A subroutine is a block of statements that carries out a well-defined task. The block of statements is placed within a set of Sub. . . End Sub statements and can be invoked by name. The following subroutine displays the current date in a message box and can be called by its name, ShowDate():

How do you define a sub?

1 : under : beneath : below subsoil subaqueous. 2a : subordinate : secondary : next lower than or inferior to substation subeditor. b : subordinate portion of : subdivision of subcommittee subspecies.

How can you create a sub procedure?

On the Insert menu, click Procedure. Type the name for the procedure in the Name box of the Insert Procedure dialog box. Select the type of procedure you want to create: Sub, Function, or Property. Set the procedure’s scope to either Public or Private.

What is Private Sub in Visual Basic?

Private Sub sets the scope so that subs in outside modules cannot call that particular subroutine. This means that a sub in Module 1 could not use the Call method to initiate a Private Sub in Module 2. ( Note: If you start at the Application level, you can use Run to override this rule and access a Private Sub)

Why are sub procedures used?

A sub procedure is usually used to accept input from the user, display information, print information, manipulate properties or perform some other tasks. It is a program code by itself and it is not an event procedure because it is not associated with a runtime procedure.

What is a sub procedure explain with an example?

A Sub procedure is a series of Visual Basic statements enclosed by the Sub and End Sub statements. The Sub procedure performs a task and then returns control to the calling code, but it does not return a value to the calling code.+

What are the advantages of using subs and functions in VB Net Programming?

By breaking code into functions and subroutines, code can be written once and reused often. This reduces the size of the application and debugging time. Each time you repeat a calculation, you waste space and increase the likelihood of a typographical error and therefore cause your application to execute improperly.

What does a sub procedure do in VB.NET?

Similarly, a sub procedure in VB.Net is a group statements enclosed by the Sub and End Sub statements. Sub Procedures returns control to the calling code after performing the task. Sub procedure do not return a value to the calling code.

What are functions and subs in Visual Basic?

This is where functions and subs come in. The two terms refer to segments of code that are separate from your main code. You’ve already met some string functions – Equals () and Substring (), for example. These functions are built into Visual Basic.

How to create a function in Visual Basic?

There are two types of functions, the built-in functions, and the user-defined functions. To create a user-defined-function in Visual Basic 2013, you can type the function procedure directly into the code window as follows:

How is a function similar to a sub procedure?

A function is similar to a sub procedure, both are called by the main procedure to fulfil certain tasks. However, there is one difference, a function returns a value whilst a sub procedure does not. It merely performs a certain job. There are two types of functions, the built-in functions, and the user-defined functions.

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