What is the name of a bone?

What is the name of a bone?

Common Name Scientific Name
jawbone mandible
collarbone clavicle
shoulder blade scapula
breast bone sternum

What are the 20 parts of the bones?

The skeleton

  • Skull – including the jaw bone.
  • Spine – cervical, thoracic and lumbar vertebrae, sacrum and tailbone (coccyx)
  • Chest – ribs and breastbone (sternum)
  • Arms – shoulder blade (scapula), collar bone (clavicle), humerus, radius and ulna.
  • Hands – wrist bones (carpals), metacarpals and phalanges.
  • Pelvis – hip bones.

How many bones are in the mix song?

Have your students write their own verses about the bones in the human body, and perform them to the instrumental version of this song, included in the CD. Note: This song does NOT mention all 206 bones! Many thanks to Robin Walling for permission to display these lyrics.

What are the 25 bones?

Terms in this set (25)

  • The Head Bone. Cranium.
  • the jaw bone. mandible.
  • The Neck Bone. cervical spine.
  • The Collar Bone. the clavicle.
  • The shoulder blades. the scapulars.
  • The Chest bone. the sternum.
  • the tip of the sternum. the xiphoid process.
  • the mid upper spine. Thoratic spine.

What are the 5 bone types?

There are five types of bones in the skeleton: flat, long, short, irregular, and sesamoid.

What are the 18 major bones?

Terms in this set (18)

  • Head. Cranium.
  • Jaw Bone. Mandible.
  • Collar Bone. Clavicle.
  • Shoulder Blade. Scapula.
  • Ribs. Ribs.
  • Breast Bone. Sternum.
  • Spinal Column. Vertebra.
  • Pelvis. Pelvis.

What are the 15 major bones?

Terms in this set (15)

  • Cranium.
  • Scapulas.
  • Sternum.
  • Humerus.
  • Ribs.
  • Clavicle.
  • Vertebral Column.
  • Ulna.

What is Zygoma bone?

The zygomatic bone (or zygoma) is a paired, irregular bone that defines the anterior and lateral portions of the face. The zygomatic complex is involved in the protection of the contents of the orbit and the contour of the face and cheeks.[1]

Do babies have more bones?

Babies have more bones than adults. By the time you’re a grownup, you’ve only got 206. The reason: As babies grow, some of their bones fuse together. Some infant bones are made entirely of soft, flexible tissue called cartilage that’s slowly replaced by hard bone as the baby develops.

Are teeth bones?

Even though teeth and bones seem very similar, they are actually different. Teeth are not bones. Yes, both are white in color and they do indeed store calcium, but that’s where their similarities end.

Who is the bones singer?

Maren Morris
The Bones/Artists

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