What does mainline mean?

What does mainline mean?

verb (used without object), main·lined, main·lin·ing. Slang. to inject a narcotic, especially heroin, directly into a vein. to use or enjoy something without restriction: to mainline on TV movies.

What is the definition of mainline in traffic?

Related Definitions Mainline Highway or “mainline” shall mean the primary travel lanes of the inter- state, freeway, or expressway.

What does Mainlining in the lingo of drug abusers mean?

(mān′līn″ĭng) A colloquial term for injecting an illicit drug directly into a vein.

What is the meaning of ancestress?

Definitions of ancestress. a woman ancestor. type of: ancestor, antecedent, ascendant, ascendent, root. someone from whom you are descended (but usually more remote than a grandparent)

What does mainline mean urban dictionary?

slang : to take by or as if by injecting into a principal vein. intransitive verb. slang : to mainline a narcotic drug.

Are Baptists mainline Protestants?

These were later surpassed in size and influence by the evangelical denominations: the Baptists, Presbyterians and Methodists. Sharing a common Reformation heritage with Episcopal and Congregational churches, these denominations together created the mainline.

What is considered mainline Protestant?

Mainline Protestantism comes from the Protestants who first came to the United States, plus those early 19th century American groups like Methodists and Disciples of Christ, Congregations, Episcopalians, Presbyterians and reform groups who came from Europe who were the only initial Protestants.

What is the meaning of skin popping?

Skin popping is a route of administration of street drugs where they are injected or deposited under the skin. Skin popping is distinct from intravenous injection in that the latter deposits the drug directly into the bloodstream via a vein.

How do you mainline Autoflowers?

2. Main-lining step-by-step

  1. Step 1 – Wait until your plant has around 6 nodes.
  2. Step 2 – Cut your plant down to the third node.
  3. Step 2.1 – Remove everything below the third node.
  4. Step 2.2 – Tie down the two remaining branches.
  5. Step 3 – Give your plants time to recover and top again.
  6. Step 3.1 – Remove growth below.

What is the meaning of Equalization?

1 : to make equal. 2a : to compensate for. b : to make uniform especially : to distribute evenly or uniformly equalize the tax burden. c : to adjust or correct the frequency characteristics of (an electronic signal) by restoring to their original level high frequencies that have been attenuated.

What does it mean to feel queasy?

English Language Learners Definition of queasy : having a sick feeling in the stomach : suffering from nausea. : having an unpleasantly nervous or doubtful feeling. See the full definition for queasy in the English Language Learners Dictionary. queasy. adjective.

Is Malvern PA part of the mainline?

Malvern is usually considered the western edge of the Main Line, so, while still being part of that desirable location, it is the also the gateway to more rural areas. It only about 45 minutes to drive to Lancaster County, for example. To read more about Malvern, click here.

What does the word mainline mean?

mainline(Adjective) normal, principal or standard. mainline(Adjective) Of or pertaining to the principal route or line of a railway. mainline(Adjective) Of or pertaining to a surface railway as distinct from an underground, elevated or light rail one.

What does the name mainline mean?

transitive verb. slang : to take by or as if by injecting into a principal vein. intransitive verb. slang : to mainline a narcotic drug. mainline. adjective. Definition of mainline (Entry 2 of 3) : being part of an established group also : being in the mainstream.

What does mainlining mean?

verb (used with object), main·lined, main·lin·ing. Slang. to inject (a narcotic, especially heroin) directly into a vein. to use, enjoy, or imbibe (something) without restriction: mainlining coffee all day long.

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