What is the famous line in Star Trek?

What is the famous line in Star Trek?

“To Boldly Go Where No Man Has Gone Before…” The infinitive-splitting opening narration for each episode of Star Trek: The Original Series (with the exception of the pilot episodes) was famously recited by William Shatner, but the actual origins of the line are uncertain at best.

Why does Khan want revenge?

He was not free from his obsession and longing for revenge. He’d meditated for so long on his wounds that he couldn’t leave them behind or live without them. Ultimately, this obsession leads to his undoing. Khan is once more seeking revenge for his crew and attempting to gain power for his own ends.

What Khan says?

Khan: I’ve done far worse than kill you. I’ve hurt you, and I wish to go on hurting you. I shall leave you as you left me, as you left her: marooned for all eternity in the center of a dead planet, buried alive. [whispers] Buried alive!

How we deal with death is at least important as how we deal with life is a quote from Star Trek II The Wrath of Khan?

I’ve tricked my way out of death and patted myself on the back for my ingenuity. I know nothing. David Marcus : You knew enough to tell Saavik that how we face death is at least as important as how we face life.

What was Captain Kirk’s saying?

Famous Captain Kirk Quotes from Star Trek. When he talks about getting into the Warp seed, Captain James T Kirk always says, “Wrap me!” or “It’s wrap time.” Many such Captain James T Kirk quotes are spread across the Star Trek Franchise and have become a part of the people’s everyday language.

What was Captain Kirk’s tagline?

The OG Captain Kirk was known for his command, “Execute!” In Star Trek V: The Final Frontier, he uses the decisive phrase twice. Slightly less cool was Edward Jellico, captain of the USS Enterprise-D, who liked to tell Riker and Troi to “Get it done!”

What does Khan say about Kirk?

Kirk: Of all the souls I have known, his was the most human… Khan: Ah, Kirk, my old friend. Do you know the Klingon proverb that tells us revenge is a dish that is best served cold? It is very cold in space.

Can I cook or can’t i Star Trek?

Kirk the cave, she said, “Can I cook, or can’t I?” The kinds of life created in the cave were indeed substantial; in addition to the plainly visible vegetation, which provided a breathable atmosphere, there were vegetables and fruits.

What does Kirk say when Spock dies?

(Spock placed his hand on the chamber glass) Live long, and prosper”). Kirk placed his hand opposite Spock’s hand as his friend slowly collapsed, slumped down and expired next to him. Kirk quietly said: “No” as Spock died.

What did Janeway say instead of engage?

A hilarious video compilation of all the times Star Trek: Voyager’s Captain Janeway says “do it!” Jean-Luc Picard had “make it so”, Spock had “live long and prosper”, Checkov had “wessel”, but Janeway ended up with “do it!”

Why was Star Trek Wrath of Khan so quotable?

It’s one of the most quotable in the entire franchise, but it was also driven by a strong story, compelling characters, and a straightforward narrative that made excellent use of a previous villain from the TV series. It would also set up the story arc for two more Trek films, moving forward.

Who was the Khan in Star Trek 2?

In the ‘Star Trek II: The Wrath Of Khan’, you will also find many famous Khan quotes. Khan Noonien Singh was one of the most important characters of the ‘Star Trek II: The Wrath Of Khan’ film.

What did Spock say at the end of Wrath of Khan?

One very famous saying of Spock from the ‘Star Trek II: The Wrath Of Khan’ 1982 movie is “live long and prosper”, surely everyone recognises that one! Spock had a dramatic ending in the film. In the ‘Wrath Of Khan’ ending, Spock takes his last breath and utters the famous words “I have been… and always shall be… your friend.

Why did Kirk scream at Khan in wrath of Khan?

In order to sell the scene, Kirk allows Khan to think he’s dealt him a major blow. He screams this quote into the communicator—as only William Shatner can—creating one of the most iconic pop culture references in all of sci-fi history.

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