What does snazzier mean?

What does snazzier mean?

informal. (esp of clothes) stylishly and often flashily attractive.

What does Snazy mean?

adjective, snaz·zi·er, snaz·zi·est. extremely attractive or stylish; flashy; fancy: a snazzy dresser.

What does snazzy dress mean?

If your grandma comments on your snazzy outfit, she means that it looks fancy and trend. In other words, it’s a compliment. Snazzy is an informal, slightly old-fashioned word for stylish, fashionable things, especially clothing.

What is palatial house?

The definition of palatial is spacious, grand or resembling a palace. A huge, grand mansion that is castle-like is an example of a palatial home.

What does snazzy mean in the UK?

snazzy in British English (ˈsnæzɪ ) adjectiveWord forms: -zier or -ziest. informal. (esp of clothes) stylishly and often flashily attractive.

What does snazzy mean in text?

The definition of snazzy is slang to describe something that is fashionable and showy. An example of something snazzy is a new sequined bag. (slang) Stylishly or showily attractive; flashy.

What does graver mean in English?

1 : sculptor, engraver. 2 : any of various cutting or shaving tools used in graving or in hand metal-turning.

What does the word natty mean?

Natty means current in style, both of dress and manners. A natty dresser is someone who is very stylish and has a snappy attitude. He may even be wearing a natty fedora. Natty is an adjective that comes from the 18th century. Originally it was a slang term, perhaps related to the adjective neat.

What does Snassy mean?

: conspicuously or flashily attractive : fancy snazzy clothes a snazzy car. Synonyms More Example Sentences Learn More About snazzy.

What does Shnazzy mean?

Particularly elegant, dazzling, classy, or fancy in appearance. An informal variant spelling of “snazzy.” Wow, that’s a shnazzy new suit you’ve got on!

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