What is distillate blendstock?

What is distillate blendstock?

Oil Distillate Blendstocks are petroleum products usually grouped into three categories: light oil distillates (LPG, gasoline, naphtha), middle oil distillates (kerosene, diesel), heavy oil distillates and residuum (heavy fuel oil, lubricating oils, wax, asphalt).

What is high sulphur fuel oil?

High Sulphur Fuel Oil (HSFO) is the bottom of the oil barrel with the lowest priced oil product now that is the alternative to using marine fuels with such low sulphur content. A HSFO have a maximum sulphur content of 3.5%.

Why are Hydrocrackers so valuable to a refinery?

The hydrocracker is particularly valuable in a refinery that is trying to maximize diesel production and reduce residual fuel oil. The hydrocracker yields a high volume of kerosene and light gasoil (distillate) of good quality (high cetane and low sulfur).

What is low sulfur straight run?

Low sulfur straight run is used as an alternative to crude oil in the atmospheric distillation unit at the primary refinery processing stage or, depending on its sulfur content, as an alternative to low sulfur vacuum gasoil in the fluid catalytic cracking unit at the secondary processing stage.

Where is naphtha from?

Naphtha (/ˈnæpθə/ or /ˈnæfθə/) is a flammable liquid hydrocarbon mixture. Mixtures labelled naphtha have been produced from natural gas condensates, petroleum distillates, and the distillation of coal tar and peat. In different industries and regions naphtha may also be crude oil or refined products such as kerosene.

What is high Sulphur fuel oil used for?

Heavy fuel oils are mainly used as marine fuel, and HFO is the most widely used marine fuel at this time; virtually all medium and low-speed marine diesel engines are designed for heavy fuel oil. But older steam locomotives and oil-fired power plants also generate energy from heavy fuel oils.

What is distillate fuel oil?

Distillate fuel oil: A general classification for one of the petroleum fractions produced in conventional distillation operations. It includes diesel fuels and fuel oils. Products known as No. 4 fuel oils are used primarily for space heating and electric power generation. No.

How much does a hydrocracker cost?

The unit is smaller than the 55,000 bpd capacity figure that had been reported back in August 2006, when SK Energy was said to be considering whether to build a gasoline-making residual fluid catalytic cracker (RFCC) or a hydrocracker, which produces diesel and kerosene, with costs estimated then at around $1 billion.

What do Hydrocrackers do?

A hydrocracking unit, or hydrocracker, takes gas oil, which is heavier and has a higher boiling range than distillate fuel oil, and cracks the heavy molecules into distillate and gasoline in the presence of hydrogen and a catalyst.

What is Hsfo used for?

High-sulfur fuel oil (HSFO) The alternative to using marine fuels with such low sulfur content in ECAs is the use of scrubbers. This technology involves injecting water into the exhaust stream to reduce sulfur and other emissions.

What is cracked fuel oil?

What Is Cracking? Cracking is a technique used in oil refineries whereby large and complex hydrocarbon molecules are broken down into smaller and lighter components that are more useful for commercial or consumer use. Cracking is a critical stage in the process of refining crude oil.

Why is naphtha banned?

Why is naphtha banned? Talks are currently underway which could see the US ban supplies of naphtha, a key commodity that’s used to transport Venezuelan crude. According to experts the ban could suffocate Venezuelan production and cripple the nation’s oil industry.

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