What do you mean by ASP?

What do you mean by ASP?

Active Server Page
ASP stands for Active Server Page. ASP was developed by Microsoft to allow programmers to create a dynamic website. ASP is a feature of Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS), but as it handles HTML page, it is supported by all browsers. You can create an ASP file by including Jscript or VBScript in an HTML file.

What is ASP in programming?

An ASP is a Web page that contains HTML and embedded programming code written in VBScript or Jscript. It was introduced with Version 3.0 of Microsoft’s Internet Information Server (IIS). When IIS encounters an ASP page requested by the browser, it executes the embedded program.

What is an ASP business?

The term average selling price (ASP) refers to the price at which a certain class of good or service is typically sold. The ASP is the average selling price of the product across multiple distribution channels, across a product category within a company, or even across the market as a whole.

What is ASP and how it works?

How Does it Work? When a browser requests a normal HTML file, the server just returns the file. When a browser requests an ASP file, the server passes the request to the ASP engine which reads the ASP file and executes the server scripts in the file. Finally the ASP file is returned to the browser as plain HTML.

What is ASP in web?

ASP stands for Active Server Page. It is a technology that enables you to make dynamic and interactive web pages. ASP uses server-side scripting to dynamically produce webpages that are not affected by the type of browser the visitor is using.

What is ASP in Java?

ASP. JSP stands for Java Server Pages, which helps developers to create dynamically web pages based on HTML, XML, or other types. ASP stands for Active Server Pages, which is used in web development to implement dynamic web pages. JSP is a server side scripting language, which was created by Sun Micro systems.

What is the full form of IPS?

IPS Full Form: What is the full form of IPS? The full form of IPS is the Indian Police Service. Officers of the Indian Police Service (IPS) provide senior-level leadership to Police Forces – both in the States and at the Centre.

What is the difference between ASP and PHP?

The main difference between ASP and PHP is that the ASP or ASP.net is a web application framework created by Microsoft while the PHP is a server-side scripting language created by Ramus Lerdorf. ASP.NET is a web framework developed by Microsoft to build websites, web applications, and web services.

What does ASP stand for in web development?

ASP stands for A ctive S erver P ages ASP is a development framework for building web pages. ASP supports many different development models:

What is the purpose of the ASPI interface?

ASPI structure. On those systems, the ASPI interface is designed for applications which require SCSI pass-through functionality (such as CD-ROM burning software). The primary operations supported by ASPI are discovery of host adapters and attached devices, and submitting SCSI commands to devices via SRBs (SCSI Request Blocks).

Which is the successor to classic ASP pages?

Classic ASP pages have the file extension .asp and are normally written in VBScript. ASP.NET was released in 2002 as a successor to Classic ASP. ASP.NET pages have the extension .aspx and are normally written in C# (C sharp).

What is the difference between ASP and ASP.NET?

The ASP Technology ASP and ASP.NET are server side technologies. Both technologies enable computer code to be executed by an Internet server. When a browser requests an ASP or ASP.NET file, the ASP engine reads the file, executes any code in the file, and returns the result to the browser.


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