What does treble bleed mod do?

What does treble bleed mod do?

A treble-bleed (high-pass) circuit allows the highs to “bleed” (or pass) through the volume pot even as it is turned down. In that vein, Fender actually created the Tone Saver, an R/C network housed inside a single enclosure that makes it simple to add the resistor and capacitator to the volume pot.

What does the resistor do in a treble bleed circuit?

Resistors are components which resist the flow of electrical current. When used in a treble bleed circuit they attenuate the high frequencies to keep the signal frequency balanced.

What is the value of treble bleed?

Good working values to try are from 220 pF up to 1500 pF for the cap, and 100k-ohm up to 330k-ohm for the resistor. Our third treble-bleed network, shown on the right, consists of a cap with a resistor in series.

Should tone pots be linear or audio?

Linear pots will give a uniform decrease in volume/tone (you will notice more of an effect on each control knob setting) whilst audio will give a more instant (quicker) increase or decrease in volume or tone. If you gig a lot, audio may be better for a quicker boost while on stage.

Do you need a treble bleed mod on a guitar?

Treble bleed mod has NO effect on your guitar tone when the volume pot is on 10 as the capacitor (and its resistor if present) are short circuited. Guitars with active pickups or a buffer preamp onboard the guitar do not usually require a treble bleed mod. The simplest treble bleed mod is to use a low value capacitor on it’s own.

Who is the designer of the treble bleed circuit?

“It’s a common modification people have been doing for a while,” said Jonathan Parrish, a Fender engineer who designed the treble-bleed circuits in the American Professional Series guitars. “It’s kind of fascinating, and there are a few ways you can address the situation.”

Is the Fender Tone saver a treble bleed circuit?

Fender have recently marketed a “Tone Saver” that they sometimes claim is not a simple treble bleed circuit, sometimes claim is a simple treble bleed circuit. but when cut open features, can you guess? Yep, a 1.2 nF cap and a 130 kΩ resistor in a fancy package that costs 10 times more than the practically identical Stew Mac product.

What kind of resistor is used in treble bleed?

In the treble bleed mod, the cap and parallel resistor are being used on the side that has 90% resistance at 50% rotation (the side with 225K at the midpoint).

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