What are the differences between microcomputer and minicomputer?

What are the differences between microcomputer and minicomputer? Minicomputers are mainly used for administrative tasks, word processing, process control, etc. Microcomputers are mainly used for managing databases, graphics, word processing,etc. Microcomputers are less powerful. Minicomputers are more powerful. What is mini computer? minicomputer, computer that was smaller, less expensive, and less powerful than a mainframe […]

How do you find the source of an article?

How do you find the source of an article? For articles, write down the article title, journal title, author, volume, date, span of page numbers, and the name, year, and page number of the reference source in which you found the article listed. The library needs this information to order your source. What is the […]

What is considered handicap accessible?

What is considered handicap accessible? A handicap is a barrier, such as stairs that handicap passage by a person using a wheelchair. The term “accessible” means “in compliance with the accessibility guidelines.” An accessible facility has no barriers. So the term “handicap accessible” means “barrier-no barrier,” which makes no sense. What is a mobility grant? […]

What does maternal great grandparents mean?

What does maternal great grandparents mean? noun. a grandfather or grandmother of one’s father or mother. What do you call your great grandparents? However, as of what I know, there’s no specific word in English which can be used for great grandparents. It varies according to the culture and to the family. In some families, […]

What was the Bauhaus movement main principle?

What was the Bauhaus movement main principle? The most basic tenet of the Bauhaus was form follows function. With their theory of form follows function, the school emphasized a strong understanding of basic design, especially the principles of composition, color theory, and craftsmanship, in a wide array of disciplines. What are the characteristics of the […]

How do I view an RTMP file?

How do I view an RTMP file? Select the Live Tools menu. Scroll to the bottom to find the RTMP Input option. Select Get Link. You will be presented with a Stream Key and a Server URL along with a few additional options. How do I stream video on Android? Step 1: Open your Android […]

What brand of contacts is cheapest?

What brand of contacts is cheapest? Biofinity Biofinity. Biofinity is the most popular selling monthly contact lens, and it’s also the cheapest one. Is contact lens illegal in Singapore? Although the sale of contact lenses online may be legal in other countries, it is illegal in Singapore, as clarified by the Ministry of Health. You […]

Where is The Krusty Krab restaurant in real life?

Where is The Krusty Krab restaurant in real life? Ramallah A real life Krusty Krab is set to open. Located in the Palestinian town known as Ramallah, Krusty Krab is an almost perfect homage to Spongebob’s favorite fast food joint. Is there an actual restaurant called The Krusty Krab? In Ramallah, West Bank, a company […]

Who plays Violetta English voice?

Who plays Violetta English voice? Recurring Character Actors / Voice actors Season 1 (2012) Rafael “Rafa” Palmer Germán Tripel (English dub: Mike Davis) Laura Nicole Luis (English dub: Cherami Leigh) Angélica Carrará Nilda Raggi What happened to Maria in Violetta? She died in a tour bus accident. When she was pregnant with Violetta, she wrote […]

Is Classical Conversations a pyramid scheme?

Is Classical Conversations a pyramid scheme? Some redditors think it is a multilevel marketing scheme. The Classical Conversations homepage has two important pieces of a multilevel marketing scheme: training that you pay for so you can then gather up more people to buy the product the trainers are selling. This business model should work well. […]

What does a PO2 of 60 mean?

What does a PO2 of 60 mean? The arterial PO2 (PaO2) is a measure of the ability of the lungs to efficiently move oxygen from the atmosphere to the lungs. The normal PaO2 at sea level ranges between 80 and 110 mm Hg. A PaO2 of less than 60 mm Hg marks severe hypoxemia and […]

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