What you mean by debilitating?

What you mean by debilitating?

: causing serious impairment of strength or ability to function debilitating pain a debilitating fear of public speaking a debilitating illness Thirty years have passed since a vaccine wiped out polio, but some of those who conquered the debilitating disease as children are now experiencing symptoms that seem all too …

What is a debilitating In medical terms?

Debilitate: To impair the strength of or to enfeeble. A chronic progressive disease may debilitate a patient.

Is there such a word as debilitation?

The depletion or sapping of strength or energy: attenuation, depletion, devitalization, enervation, enfeeblement, impoverishment.

What does Inferm mean?

1 : of poor or deteriorated vitality especially : feeble from age. 2 : weak of mind, will, or character : irresolute, vacillating. 3 : not solid or stable : insecure.

Is Disabilitated a word?

As for disabilitated, it’s a word, too—indeed a more popular word (to judge from Google Books match frequency) than the much older disabilitation. The most problematic thing about disabilitated from a reader’s perspective is that it seems never to have been comprehensively and coherently defined.

How do you use debilitating in a sentence?

Debilitating sentence example

  1. The climate is very damp and debilitating .
  2. Many people suffer from the debilitating lung disease emphysema.
  3. The symptoms of depression can be debilitating .

How do you use debilitate in a sentence?

Debilitate sentence example

  1. It is expected that the illness will debilitate him for at least another week.
  2. The self-defense class taught how to debilitate an attacker in any dangerous situation.
  3. The drought is expected to debilitate plant growth, so this year will have a smaller harvest than normal.

What is infirmed person?

1 : of poor or deteriorated vitality especially : feeble from age. 2 : weak of mind, will, or character : irresolute, vacillating.

What is Doddery?

a doddery old man. Compare. senile. gaga (MENTALLY UNCLEAR) informal. Thesaurus: synonyms, antonyms, and examples.

What is physical debilitation?

2 the quality or state of lacking physical strength or vigor. attributed the patient’s general debilitation to an iron deficiency.

How do you use debilitating?

(1) She found the heat debilitating. (2) Parkinson’s disease is a debilitating and incurable disease of the nervous system. (3) Huge debts are debilitating their economy. (4) He was hoping for a cure from his debilitating illness.

How do you use debilitate?

Debilitate sentence example It is expected that the illness will debilitate him for at least another week. The self-defense class taught how to debilitate an attacker in any dangerous situation. The drought is expected to debilitate plant growth, so this year will have a smaller harvest than normal.

What does debilitating means?

Definition of Debilitating. Debilitating means a chronic medical condition that causes weakness or impairs the strength or ability of an individual and has progressed to such an extent that it substantially limits one or more major life activities of such individual.

What does debilitating pain mean?

1(of a disease or condition) making someone very weak and infirm. ‘debilitating back pain’. ‘The Department of Health has vowed to improve care services for chronic fatigue syndrome sufferers in recognition of the condition’s debilitating effects.’. ‘Prof Martin Villet provides insight into an often debilitating set of illnesses.’.

What is a debilitating illness?

severely debilitating illness. Any condition in which there is major irreversible morbidity–eg, AIDS, Alzheimer’s disease, blindness, diabetic nephropathy, neurologic degeneration, Parkinson’s disease, terminal CA, etc.

What is the adjective for debilitating?

debilitating. adjective. /dɪˈbɪlɪteɪtɪŋ/. /dɪˈbɪlɪteɪtɪŋ/. jump to other results. making somebody’s body or mind weaker. a debilitating disease. She found the heat debilitating. making a country, an organization, etc. weaker.

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